Worshipping God Here and There and in His Kingdom

Been thinking about worship. Worship in the form of songs is something common for us believers in Jesus. It is really fascinating to think about this in relation to our God. In fact, I was talking with the Lord this morning about it after reading the Song of Moses in Exodus 15:1-19 to the Lord after they crossed the Red Sea. They sing to the Lord praising his strength, greatness above the gods and how he has delivered them from Egypt. Then I also came to my reading on Psalm 98 which invites us to make a joyful noise to the Lord for the marvelous things he has done and for his salvation. It invites all of creation to praise him and sing for joy because he is coming to judge the Earth. We sing to God. Why? God made us to sing as an act of worship. Singing expresses our thoughts, emotions and our spiritual well-being to Him. What does God get out of it? He gets what is due to his name, but He is self-sufficient and does not need it. But He does delight in hearing us, just like we delight in singing to Him. It’s an amazing fact that this simple act of expressing worship with a song to God, pleases him.

I admit that my worship in song is imperfect. I tend to believe most of us fall short. In fact, I was thinking today while we were singing in church, what would happen if we took away all the instruments, all the lights, all the nice voices and we’d just be us looking up and singing to Jesus. What would it be like? Would we still have the same passion? Would it reveal that our worship is superficial?

I imagined that day when we will literally worship him in heaven with the Triune God present. In Revelation we find that there will be worship to the Lamb of God and our great God. All the angels and all of us from every nation, tribe, language, who have been redeemed and saved by Jesus will sing a new song to Him who sits on the throne. The focus of the singing will the Lamb of God, Jesus! There will be no distractions at all. I also believe that our new state will allow us to worship perfectly and in ways we have never been able to do it. I am not sure instruments (or lights and sound) will be necessary like we do now. The songs will be complete in Him. But we know that we will inhabit a New Earth with our resurrected bodies and well, that may bring about the worship of God with songs and instruments. The good thing, is that it will be perfect worship and everything that has breath will praise the Lord.

Praise the Lord.

Praise God in his sanctuary;
    praise him in his mighty heavens.
Praise him for his acts of power;
    praise him for his surpassing greatness.
Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet,
    praise him with the harp and lyre,
praise him with timbrel and dancing,
    praise him with the strings and pipe,
praise him with the clash of cymbals,
    praise him with resounding cymbals.

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.

Praise the Lord. – Psalm 150 (NIV)

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Book Review: Calvin’s Institutes audio version

Institutes of the Christian ReligionInstitutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin

This was my first time “reading” it. I listened to the 60+ hours at 1.25 pace. This allowed me to finish sooner. It took more than six months listening to it for about half an hour on my way to work. It is in essence a systematic theology of the Christian faith.
– Very logical and methodical. Everything is well organized with numbers for each chapter and sections. It is very organized and argued well with Scripture. He often refers to important figures of the Christian church and leaders like St Augustine, Luther, Aquinas and many others to either support a point or argue away a point that he doesn’t agree with. He is a fierce critic of “Papists” (Roman Catholic) and Anabaptists. He often refers to them in harsh tone.
– It is very succinct. Calvin’s use of language is masterful (I listened to an English translation of a French edition, so I am not totally certain). He makes the point and explains clearly without too much fuzz. There are no personal illustrations.
– I like all of this perhaps because I think in a similar manner.
– Some things that I found not liking: He is very rigid in his viewpoints and argues they are “the” biblical views. His tone is harsh and negative to opposing views. This was an “aha” moment for me to       understand Calvinists/Reformed people today. Given, not everyone is the same, a lot of people who have followed Calvin’s teaching have the same tone.
– Calvin does really well in explaining basic theological truths such as the Trinity. He does really well in explaining Roman Catholicism views of salvation and rituals. He adds a bit of history of the papacy as well.
– Of course, I disagree with him on some points, especially infant baptism. He sees it as equivalent to circumcision in the Old Testament. He doesn’t argue how this comes about, but he does this with the Old Testament in general. This is how covenant theology works. His support is very weak in the New Testament, (there is not a single mention of infant baptism), repeats it over and over affirming it as the truth.

-Reading Calvin’s view of government, he would be considered a Nationalist today. In fact, historically it was true in Europe during the Reformation. Geneva, where Calvin resided became Protestant. Reformers gave approval condemning to their deaths many Anabaptists who opposed many of their views, in particular infant baptistm.
– Overall, good read. There is much biblical theology that one can use for Bible studies. Calvin had an incredible grasp of Scripture, history, and theology in general.

View all my reviews

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Honrando a nuestros Padres

Honrando a nuestros Padres

Uno de los valores que ha sido parte de nuestra cultura hispana es honrar a nuestros padres. La honra muchas veces se miraba en el respeto y reverencia hacía los padres. Muchos de nosotros podemos atestiguar que esta era una práctica en nuestros casos. Los hijos siempre mostraban este respeto en su manera de hablar y tratar a sus padres. Aun hoy, lo puedo ver en la manera que mi esposa habla a su mamá que tiene más de ochenta años. A menudo, tenemos que recordar a nuestra hija de catorce años que debe honrarnos y obedecernos, y usamos este ejemplo para mostrarle cómo debe de realizarse. Por supuesto, cuando éramos niños estábamos también obligados a obedecerles. Desafortunadamente este valor ya ha sido erradicado por la cultura moderna. ¿Vale la pena enseñar esto a nuestros hijos?

Este valor no es meramente cultural. No hay lugar a duda que esto surgió de lo que la Biblia enseña, en particular uno de los diez mandamientos. En Éxodo 20, Dios les da el decálogo al pueblo de Israel que contiene las diez palabras o diez mandamientos. El quinto mandamiento es el primero que tiene que ver con las relaciones y en particular con nuestros padres. ¿Porqué? Porque Dios estableció a la familia como el fundamento más básico de la sociedad. Dios quien diseño la familia como un reflejo de la Trinidad, nos manda a honrar a los que Dios ha puesto como padre y madre en el hogar.

“Honra a tu padre y a tu madre, para que tus días se alarguen en la tierra que Jehová tu Dios te da.” Éxodo 20:12

Este mandamiento se repite en el Nuevo Testamento,

“Hijos, obedeced en el Señor a vuestros padres, porque esto es justo. Honra a tu padre y a tu madre, que es el primer mandamiento con promesa; para que te vaya bien, y seas de larga vida sobre la tierra.”

El mandato dado por Dios en Éxodo es realmente dirigido a los adultos. Por supuesto que aplica a los niños menores de edad (en ese entonces menor 12 años). Honrar es de toda la vida y aun en la vejez.

¿Qué es honrar?

La palabra que se usa para “honrar” significa sentir peso o valorar, honorable, estimar, darles reconocimiento o preferencia.  La palabra se usa tanto para Dios como para personas. Honrar significa darles el honor, la estima, preferencia o dar reconocimiento tanto al padre como a la madre.

Honra también envuelve es de darles reverencia por el hecho de que Dios los escogió para ser nuestros padres. Ellos han sido asignados por nuestro Dios santo (que merece también reverencia). Dios no los escogió porque eran perfectos sino porque esta fue su voluntad y su plan. Y como es la voluntad de Dios, debemos honrarles, reverenciarles como él nos manda.

En Levítico 19:3 dice, “Cada uno temerá a su madre y a su padre”.

La idea de honra también se extiende a ayudar a los padres cuando son ancianos. Esto es apoyado por lo que el Señor dijo en Mateo 15:3-6 cuando corrigió a los líderes religiosos de desobedecer el mandato. Ellos habían creado una excusa para no honrar (ayudar económicamente) a los padres ofreciendo esos fondos a Dios en el templo. Pablo también dice en 1 Timoteo 5:16 que los hijos deben apoyar a sus mamás que eran viudas. Así que honra puede entenderse cómo proveer ayuda económica

La promesa

Este mandato, dice San Pablo es el primero con promesa. Es el único en la Biblia que lleva una promesa. ¿Cuál es la promesa? Es una vida larga. Esto parece ser algo raro. La promesa en sí no algo mecánico que sucede. La promesa de vida larga está vinculada con la honra a los padres, es decir en el valor que le damos a la instrucción y guía de ellos.

Este mandamiento es como si Dios nos está diciendo que tan importante es.  Primero, nos promete calidad de vida, “para que te vaya bien.”  Nuestra vida será una buena vida si honramos (y obedecemos) a nuestros padres. Segundo, nos promete largura de vida, “y seas de larga vida sobre la tierra.” Podríamos decir que, como consecuencia natural, el hijo obediente vivirá largamente porque aprenderá mucho de cómo vivir la vida. Se puede decir también que una sociedad que valora a sus ancianos y los honra no solo les ayuda a ellos a vivir más siendo cuidados sino también que fomenta valores que ayudarán a toda la comunidad.

Las consecuencias de no obedecer el mandato

Es muy notable que las consecuencias por la desobediencia o deshonra de los padres para el pueblo de Dios Israel era muy severas.  La Ley del Antiguo Testamento, dice que cualquiera que golpeara a su madre o padre era considerado digno de la pena capital (Éxodo 21:15). No solo esto sino cualquiera que maldijera a su padre o madre llevaría la misma pena (Éxodo 21:17; 17), su sangre sería sobre él (Levítico 20:9). De igual manera era el hijo rebelde que rehusaba obedecer a sus padres (Deuteronomio 21:18-21). Aunque estas leyes no aplican a nosotros, podemos entender y ver la seriedad de la desobediencia al mandato. Sin embargo, Proverbios 20:20 nos advierte que los hijos que no honran a sus padres tendrán una mala vida. Una de las características de los últimos tiempos según 2 Timoteo 3:2 es la desobediencia a los padres. El fundamento de la familia está siendo erosionado más y más.

¿Cómo comenzar a practicar este mandato?

La obediencia como acto de honra es hasta que el hijo o la hija son mayor de edad. Esto quiere decir que, aunque los hijos deben honrar a sus padres escuchándolos cuando ellos les aconsejan, no quiere decir que los padres mandan a sus hijos como antes, especialmente cuando son mayores de edad y/o están casados.

Si tus padres ya son mayores, debes mostrarles el respeto que merecen. No les reproches nada, ni les trates mal. Segundo, muéstrales amor. Si no viven contigo mantén comunicación con ellos llamándoles una vez por semana y mantente al tanto en sus necesidades. ¡Dales las gracias por lo que hicieron por ti y diles que les quieres! Ofrece ayuda en algo, cuidado de su casa, ir a citas médicas. Tercero, si necesitan ayuda económica, ayúdales. Si no necesitan ayuda material o económica, dales gracias por lo que han hecho e hicieron por ti.

Si eres papá o mamá y tienes hijos menores de edad enséñales que esto es lo que les manda a ellos y muéstrales tu ejemplo honrando a tu padre y madre. Además, enséñales a ser obedientes. La Escritura insta a los hijos a ser obedientes a la instrucción del padre (Prov. 3:1-2). Enséñales que deben obedecer a Dios comenzando con creer en Cristo como Señor y Salvador. Segundo, deben obedecer lo que él nos manda a todos hacer y entre estos mandatos está el honrar a los padres. Se ejemplo para ellos en tu obediencia a Dios especialmente en cómo honras a tus padres mayores.

Si desea escuchar un sermón sobre este tema puede hacerlo pulsando aquí.


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God’s People

“while Moses went up to God. The Lord called to him out of the mountain, saying, “Thus you shall say to the house of Jacob, and tell the people of Israel: ‘You yourselves have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I bore you on eagles’ wings and brought you to myself. Now therefore, if you will indeed obey my voice and keep my covenant, you shall be my treasured possession among all peoples, for all the earth is mine; and you shall be to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.’ These are the words that you shall speak to the people of Israel.” – Exodus 19:3-6

This is very instructive to us today as it was for Israel when they were rescued by God from Egypt. God didn’t deliver Israel from bondage in Egypt so that they would live their own lives. He rescued them for himself (“brought you to myself”, He said). He delivered them so that they would be his people and as such should be obedient to his voice (his commands) and his covenant (v. 5). He promised them to be his most precious possession (imagine that!) among all peoples. They were all a kingdom of priests and a holy nation (v. 6). This meant that they would be his representatives among the nations. They would show others with their way of living that God was holy. Through this they would act as priests, people who were the middle person to show others the character and nature of God.

In 1 Peter 2:5, 9 the apostle Peters applies this passage to all followers of Jesus. He says,

“you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.”

“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.”

As followers of Jesus our calling is the same as it was then for the people of Israel. When the Lord rescued us through his blood from sin and eternal death, he made us all priests with direct access to God. We are priests of a chosen race, not because of any human or ethnic background but because we are his children. We are a royal or kingly priesthood people who can come directly through prayer to the throne of God our king. We are a holy nation that lives as we are told by our Holy God and as such, we are distinct from how this world lives. We belong to Him. The purpose of our calling is to tell others both by the way we live and by our words how great God is and that only he deserves to be famous.


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Bread from Heaven

Here is a short reflection on Exodus 16.

This chapter could easily, be titled “Bread from Heaven”.  God provided daily mana which we don’t know exactly what it was (literally the word “mana” means “What?”). In a way we could say that God provided daily bread for the people of Israel for 40 yrs. That’s a long time to prove how faithful and true He is. Mana came directly from heaven, from God, himself. It was specially made for them (God provided specifically for the need of sustenance). It only lasted a day, but He made it last a day longer on the Sabbath. At the beginning people were greedy and wanted more so they came out on the Sabbath. A person could eat as much as they could eat on a given day. There are many lessons for us.

  • Trust God for needed provisions.
  • Don’t be or stop being greedy.
  • Be grateful every day for God’s faithfulness.
  • Don’t overeat! (This is so easy for us)
  • Jesus is the real Bread from Heaven that came down (see John 6:30-59). He said to eat his body to live. Without Jesus nothing satisfies. He gave his body as a Sacrifice for our sins, our most needed need. Only through faith in Hin we can find spiritual (complete) satisfaction.


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Spiritual Aims – Philippians 3

We set resolutions for a new year. As Christians we should aim at spiritual goals. This message was shared at Edgewood Baptist church.

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Cómo Educar a Nuestros Hijos

Esta lista breve fue desarrollada antes de casarnos. Todos estos principios han sido usados con nuestros hijos.

Cómo Educar a Nuestros Hijos

  1. Enseñarles el temor a Dios instruyéndolos por medio de la Biblia.
  2. Ensenarles el respeto a otros que son hechas a la imagen de Dios, mostrándonos como ejemplo nosotros.  Responder mal a otros será considerado como falta de respeto.
  1. Enseñarles que la libertad viene juntamente con la responsabilidad: responsabilidad en la casa, iglesia, escuela, y sociedad.
  2. Enseñarles a obedecer a la primera vez que se les ordena hacer algo. Asegurarnos que entienden la orden y no es falta de responsabilidad.
  1. Ejercer disciplina corporal cuando sea necesario (debe ser la responsabilidad primordial del padre pero no excluye a la madre cuando el padre no está disponible.

a) Nunca contradecir enfrente de nuestros hijos las razones o motivos de la disciplina, solo se debe hablarse cuando los dos estemos solos, (siempre apoyar.)

b) Nunca corregir con “ira”.

c) Nunca corregir sin antes “instruir” a nuestros hijos, explicándoles el porqué de la disciplina.

d) Siempre mostrar afecto a nuestros hijos después de corregirles.

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Stories of Faith from our Hispanic Community

Much of Jesus’s ministry was bringing healing to those that needed it, feeding the hungry, setting those captives to Satan free and bringing the good news of the kingdom of God to everyone. He often was moved with compassion when he looked at their condition, desperate and in need of a shepherd to care and guide them. He gave his life to save his sheep and when he ascended gave his church the task of finishing his mission. His mission continues today through those whom He has redeemed, his Body of which He is the Head, his church, the instrument for the proclamation of the Good news of the Gospel.

It is encouraging to see how God is using us as His church not only meet the needs in tangible ways but with the hope of the Gospel.

Here are two examples of people that have come to the church where I serve as a pastor to Hispanics. I understand much of what they are going through since I came to the United States as an immigrant as a ten-year-old. God put me in a church where I was able to have a community that supported me and by His grace not only did, I come to know Him but was able to eventually be in ministry serving our people.

About two months ago Sandra who was born in Ecuador came to our Food Bank asking for help. She had heard about us and being a need she came to our Food Bank. She recently gave birth to a child out of wedlock, the father left her and was left alone. She had to stop working due to her pregnancy and used her savings to pay part of the rent she shares with a woman. We encouraged her to connect with our women in our ministry. On Tuesday she came to the women’s Bible study. She walked while pushing the stroller with her baby. We are not sure whether she knows Jesus but she has indicated a desire to learn more.

Twenty-two-year-old Jesús (yes, that his name) came from Colombia through the US through the California border just a few months ago. At the border, he was unjustly beaten by a border patrol officer. It was heart breaking to hear this. He was processed and let go. His cousins in Washington had promised to help him but this turned out for the worse for him. He was left living in a place where he rented part of the living room.

He came to our church about a month ago through an invitation of one of our Life Groups leaders. The group leader could not speak to him in Spanish but was able to tell him about our church. The Sunday he came, he told me that God had prompted him to go to church. He looked for his neighbor who spoke English and asked him if the invitation was still open. He said yes. This leader connected him with a Hispanic young lady, and he came. He attended our Spanish Bible class that Sunday. Jesús seems to be a believer and expressed his interest and commitment to grow in the Lord. A week after he was kicked out of the place he lived. This forced him to live in his car while working delivering packages. But he couldn’t drive his car because he didn’t have license plates but couldn’t get them because he owed his final down payment. Last Sunday, one of our couples from our church, after praying and meeting him took him in their home. One of their conditions was that he become part of the family. The next day, the husband and I went to the dealer to get his license plates. He paid them. That night I asked Jesús who his first night went. He texted and said,

“The best day pastor. Wonderful. I love my home. They are truly the family that I needed. Truly they are wonderful people, they make me feel am in my family, my home.”

Right now, his phone is under their plan, they go workout together, they eat together, he cooked for them last night. They have contacted attorneys to help him with his legal status. Today we met they were all at church. She “made” him stay in the English service using a translation app and he “made” his new mom attend our Spanish bible class using the same translation app.

Seeing this brought much joy in my heart. This exactly what Christ’s church ought to be doing until his kingdom comes.

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Pleasing Him While Here – 2 Corinthians 4:16-5:10

A message given to our Seniors at our church.

We are all aging, some better than others but we are all in this process. Our country is getting older. Statistics say that in the next decades, those who are 65 years or older will increase from 15% to 24% of the total population. This can be encouraging or discouraging depending on how you see it.

Personally, I know that I have reached my 53rd birthday and I can see some of the effects of aging. We all expect it but we don’t really get it until we are there.

The Apostle Paul wrote about this dilemma of the outer wear, our aging bodies and what this all means for us as Christians. We don’t have to dismiss this process and just “normal” and live the best we can until we die. St. Paul was an example of how to live life for Christ. He lived over 60 years before suffering martyrdom.

When he wrote the second letter to the Corinthians, he defended his apostleship by reminding them all the physical suffering he went through to share the Gospel with them. He went through a lot of hard persecution. He said that his body carried the “stigmata”, the marks of Christ. These marks showed the life of Christ to others. In other words, the marks were a testimony of who Christ was for him when he shared the Gospel. He offered them as proof. Even though he was in a sense “dying” in his physical body, this was life for those who heard the Gospel. But he knew his time for death could be approaching. Yet he confidently stated his body would someday be resurrected and we would all enjoy the presence of Jesus.


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El Matrimonio bíblico

El matrimonio es diseño de Dios. Dios lo instituyó en el jardín del Edén. Después de haber hecho al hombre y a la mujer, Dios declaró:

“Por tanto, dejará el hombre a su padre y a su madre, y se unirá a su mujer, y serán una sola carne.” (Génesis 2:24)

El matrimonio es fundamental para la sociedad. Es la unidad más básica, que edifica o destruye a la sociedad. Sabemos que la sociedad no sigue los patrones de Dios y es de esperarse. Pero el creyente tiene la instrucción del Señor para cómo vivir dentro del matrimonio. Los cristianos hoy día no carecemos de nada para ayudarnos a vivir en el hogar, especialmente en el matrimonio y sin embargo, a menudo nuestra manera de vivir dentro del matrimonio no es diferente que el resto.  ¿Porqué? No es por falta de información, no es por falta de recursos, sino porque no aplicamos las verdades bíblicas.  Podemos añadir también nuestro trasfondo e inclinaciones pecaminosas como factores que lo hacen difícil. Estos resisten la verdad de Dios. Y por supuesto que tenemos la cultura que lo ha hecho fácil para “escaparse” del matrimonio cuando las personas ya no “se aman” o cuando “son incompatibles”.



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