The Music in My Life
Scripture is clear that all good gifts come from God (James 1:17). One of his gifts is music which are words set to a melody. I believe God loves music and this is why I think in His Kingdom there will be songs of worship to Him. It is no wonder that we as beings created in the image of God, are drawn to love music as well. We long to express our words through rhythmic melodies. It is part of our nature made in the image of God.
I have always loved music. It perhaps started when I was a child in El Salvador and my sisters played English songs. America’s culture was already impacting Latin America in the late 70’s. I didn’t understand them and neither did they, but they “sang” them. I learned the melodies and “sang” some of them. Later when I learned English I laughed at the words (they were made up) I used to sing the songs. When I came to America in the early 80’s the trend continued. My sisters loved Chicago which also became part of my favorite repertoire. Some of the songs are my favorite even to this day. Peter Cetera’s Glory of Love became another favorite, especially after the movie Karate Kid II came out in the mid 80’s. “You’re the inspiration” sang also by him has become a song that has become meaningful to me as I consider my wife to be that inspiration in my life. The Beetles were another of my sisters’ favorites, and of course they have become mine as well. There are many more in the “Pop” and “Rock” music of the 80’s and 90’s that have become part of my life. My taste genre has expanded into Country music, Classical, and Blue Grass sprinkled with a mix of many more.
Being Hispanic, I also learned about the Spanish songs my sisters listened to, most of them romantic like Los Angeles Negros, Julio Iglesias and Camilo Sesto. Their songs were very depressive which most of the time involved a lost love. My mom also passed on her cassettes and repertoire of her favorite classic Spanish songs. She loved the song “Señora Bonita” (Beautiful Lady) a bolero from Leo Marini. I heard that this was a favorite because my father sang it to her. There were other famous artists like Los Tres Caballeros with their romantic songs, Javier Solis with his Bolero-Ranchera music and Pedro Infante with his mariachi and ranchera music. The last two died (separately of course) in a plane crash at a young age. There was also Jorge Negrete who also sang ranchera songs. Then there is one more recent, one of the most talented Mexican musician and singer Juan Gabriel. I enjoy hearing the range of his voice and his more realistic lyrics.
And of course, after becoming a Christian Contemporary Christian music became part of my life. The first Christian “artist” that I came to love was Keith Green who was gifted to write songs about the Christian faith like no one else. I first heard him in 1983-1984 when I spent time at my friend’s home who helped me come to faith in Jesus. I was captivated by Keith’s faith-filled music. I still listen to him and every time I do, I am reminded and challenged of how I need to walk in faith. An airplane tragedy ended his life at the age of 28 years. Then there is Rich Mullins, whose ambiguous lyrics also introduced me to the mystical aspects of the faith. Tragically as well, Rich died in a car accident in 1997. Less known and famous, Don Francisco biblical acoustic ballads are so captivating. I often hear them (his live album is my go-to) to help me envision stories of the Bible. Steven Curtis Chapman is also one of my favorites. Many of his songs are full of scriptural truth and express what many of us wrestle as Christians. “I’ll See You in a Little While” is probably one of my favorites but not more than “Cinderella” which has become my daughter’s favorite too. Prior to adopting her I listened to this song and wish I could have danced this with my oldest daughter. After adopting my youngest daughter, my dream was revived. Both of us hope that someday we will dance to this song at her wedding. Chapman has endured suffering at the loss of his adopted daughter and many of his songs in “Beauty for Ashes” album express his hurt and hope.
As I have grown older, music has become more intentional and just for recreation or distraction. I often hear classical music while working. It is a perfect partner as I am about my office tasks. There are times when I need to hear a different type or genre to just enjoy, to be encouraged, to express happiness or worship God. They can be in Spanish or English. They all part of the moments in my life.
Most of the music taste has now been passed down to my youngest daughter. Many of my favorites, especially Christian music have become hers as well. I’ve told her about the stories behind many of the songs, so she knows that they are not just songs to enjoy and sing. They are intertwined in the tapestry of our lives. Part of my life history is embedded into my music taste. And it is important to me, and I hope it is for her.