How to Face Uncertainties of Life – Isaiah 41:8-14

This version of the sermon was preached at our Encore Group, the service for our seniors.

If anyone had uncertainties about the future, it was Israel. Their disobedience brought God’s judgement on their lives. They were to be taken captives by the Babylonians. They surely thought, “This is the end of us. This is the end of our nation. This is the end of our future. There is no point in trusting God anymore. He has forgotten us.”

But God speaks through the prophet Isaiah and offers them hope. Hope amid their uncertainties. He shares a five-fold encouragement to face them. These are good for us as well as we face our own uncertainties.



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How to Face the Uncertainties in Life – Isaiah 41:8-14

If anyone had uncertainties about the future, it was Israel. Their disobedience brought God’s judgement on their lives. They were to be taken captives by the Babylonians. They surely thought, “This is the end of us. This is the end of our nation. This is the end of our future. There is no point in trusting God anymore. He has forgotten us.”

But God speaks through the prophet Isaiah and offers them hope. Hope amid their uncertainties. He shares a five-fold encouragement to face them. These are good for us as well as we face our own uncertainties.

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The Music in My Life

The Music in My Life

Scripture is clear that all good gifts come from God (James 1:17). One of his gifts is music which are words set to a melody. I believe God loves music and this is why I think in His Kingdom there will be songs of worship to Him. It is no wonder that we as beings created in the image of God, are drawn to love music as well. We long to express our words through rhythmic melodies. It is part of our nature made in the image of God.

I have always loved music. It perhaps started when I was a child in El Salvador and my sisters played English songs. America’s culture was already impacting Latin America in the late 70’s. I didn’t understand them and neither did they, but they “sang” them.  I learned the melodies and “sang” some of them. Later when I learned English I laughed at the words (they were made up) I used to sing the songs. When I came to America in the early 80’s the trend continued. My sisters loved Chicago which also became part of my favorite repertoire. Some of the songs are my favorite even to this day. Peter Cetera’s Glory of Love became another favorite, especially after the movie Karate Kid II came out in the mid 80’s. “You’re the inspiration” sang also by him has become a song that has become meaningful to me as I consider my wife to be that inspiration in my life.  The Beetles were another of my sisters’ favorites, and of course they have become mine as well. There are many more in the “Pop” and “Rock” music of the 80’s and 90’s that have become part of my life. My taste genre has expanded into Country music, Classical, and Blue Grass sprinkled with a mix of many more.

Being Hispanic, I also learned about the Spanish songs my sisters listened to, most of them romantic like Los Angeles Negros, Julio Iglesias and Camilo Sesto. Their songs were very depressive which most of the time involved a lost love. My mom also passed on her cassettes and repertoire of her favorite classic Spanish songs. She loved the song “Señora Bonita” (Beautiful Lady) a bolero from Leo Marini. I heard that this was a favorite because my father sang it to her.  There were other famous artists like Los Tres Caballeros with their romantic songs, Javier Solis with his Bolero-Ranchera music and Pedro Infante with his mariachi and ranchera music. The last two died (separately of course) in a plane crash at a young age. There was also Jorge Negrete who also sang ranchera songs. Then there is one more recent, one of the most talented Mexican musician and singer Juan Gabriel. I enjoy hearing the range of his voice and his more realistic lyrics.

And of course, after becoming a Christian Contemporary Christian music became part of my life. The first Christian “artist” that I came to love was Keith Green who was gifted to write songs about the Christian faith like no one else. I first heard him in 1983-1984 when I spent time at my friend’s home who helped me come to faith in Jesus. I was captivated by Keith’s faith-filled music. I still listen to him and every time I do, I am reminded and challenged of how I need to walk in faith. An airplane tragedy ended his life at the age of 28 years. Then there is Rich Mullins, whose ambiguous lyrics also introduced me to the mystical aspects of the faith. Tragically as well, Rich died in a car accident in 1997.  Less known and famous, Don Francisco biblical acoustic ballads are so captivating. I often hear them (his live album is my go-to) to help me envision stories of the Bible. Steven Curtis Chapman is also one of my favorites. Many of his songs are full of scriptural truth and express what many of us wrestle as Christians. “I’ll See You in a Little While” is probably one of my favorites but not more than “Cinderella” which has become my daughter’s favorite too. Prior to adopting her I listened to this song and wish I could have danced this with my oldest daughter. After adopting my youngest daughter, my dream was revived. Both of us hope that someday we will dance to this song at her wedding. Chapman has endured suffering at the loss of his adopted daughter and many of his songs in “Beauty for Ashes” album express his hurt and hope.

As I have grown older, music has become more intentional and just for recreation or distraction. I often hear classical music while working. It is a perfect partner as I am about my office tasks. There are times when I need to hear a different type or genre to just enjoy, to be encouraged, to express happiness or worship God. They can be in Spanish or English. They all part of the moments in my life.

Most of the music taste has now been passed down to my youngest daughter. Many of my favorites, especially Christian music have become hers as well. I’ve told her about the stories behind many of the songs, so she knows that they are not just songs to enjoy and sing. They are intertwined in the tapestry of our lives. Part of my life history is embedded into my music taste. And it is important to me, and I hope it is for her.



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La historia de Jonás para niños – Tercera parte

La historia bíblica de Jonás para niños. Mi hija de 14 años y un servidor ayudámos a grabar para una escuela bíblica en México de nuestros jóvenes. Espero que la disfruten.



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It all Begins with God – Jeremiah 1

The truth of Scripture is clear: It all begins with God. This is exemplified for us in the life of Jeremiah in the first chapter. We learn that everything about us, even before we existed begins with God who calls us to follow him so that we can carry the tasks given to us. We must respond, acknowledge His workings in our lives and obey Him. When we do, He will use us.


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Reaching Hispanics in the US: Multiethnic Church

This workshop was given at our church. The purpose is to understand who Hispanics are, their characteristics, religious beliefs, their growth in the US (demographics) and how we can engage them with the Gospel of Christ. This is the outline for this section:

The Multiethnic Church of God

– We are One in Christ – Galatians 3:26-29

– We are the New Humanity – Eph 2.14-15, 19

– We are the Multiethnic Church of God Gathers in Heaven – Revelation 7:9-17; Revelation 5:8-9

<span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links">Posted in</span> Hispanic Church planting, Hispanic churches, hispanic ministry, Hispanics, multiethnic church, multilingual churches, Multilingual Hispanic churches | <span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-tag-links">Tagged</span> , | Leave a comment

Reaching Hispanics in the US: Demographics and General Beliefs

This workshop was given at our church. The purpose is to understand who Hispanics are, their characteristics, religious beliefs, their growth in the US (demographics) and how we can engage them with the Gospel of Christ.

2. Hispanics in America

A. Demographic facts, trends and implications to reach them

B. Hispanic Generations in the US Engaging Hispanics with the Gospel

1. General religious beliefs.

2. How the Church can engage them with the Gospel.

3. How do I take steps for Gospel engagement?

<span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links">Posted in</span> Hispanic Church planting, Hispanic Culture, Hispanic Evangelical Churches, Hispanic family, Hispanics | <span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-tag-links">Tagged</span> , , , , | Leave a comment

Reaching Hispanics in the US: History and General Characteristics

This workshop was given at our church. The purpose is to understand who Hispanics are, their characteristics, religious beliefs, their growth in the US (demographics) and how we can engage them with the Gospel of Christ. The outline for this section is:


• My Story

• Reaching Hispanics in the New Samaria

Understanding Hispanics

1. General cultural characteristics of Hispanics

A. Geopolitical influences before and after the Spanish Conquest

B. General Economic and Educational status

C. General cultural distinctives

<span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links">Posted in</span> Hispanic Culture, Hispanic family, Hispanics, Hispanics and emotions, Hispanics and food, Hispanics and passion, Hispanics and time, hispanics families stay together, hispanics family | <span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-tag-links">Tagged</span> , , , , | Leave a comment

The Role of Men as Husbands and Fathers

The role of men as husbands and fathers

 In my previous post I wrote about what man should be like as God designed him. These general points run counter to contemporary culture today, as it was in the past, and in particular Hispanic culture. In this post my focus is on the role of man as husband and father.

Let’s start with the role of husband. What are the roles of the husband in the home? From the Christian point of view, the roles are very clear. We must understand that the macho culture of the past and even in the present emphasized the role of head, boss, the one who “wore the pants.” This role has perhaps been the most abused by machista men. As we will see, the role is not bad in itself, but the application of the role is in complete opposition to how God commands it.

The man or gentleman once married has the role of nourishing his wife and his home. When I talk about nourishing, I am not talking about the material, which is obvious (men provide). The kind of nourishing I am referring to is that which helps to keep marriage in harmony and long lasting. He must nourish her with his love. This love according to the Bible imitates Christ’s sacrificial love for His Church. When the Lord died and rose again, it was to save His Church, those who believe in Him. Being the head of the church, he gave himself in sacrifice for his bride, the Church. This is the kind of love that a husband should have for his wife. Marriage between a man and a woman should be an example of Christ’s love for His church. In Ephesians it says, “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.” (Ephesians 5:25). The principle is clear, husbands are to love their wives as Christ loved His church. That love is sacrificial and perfect. It’s possible? If a person is truly a Christian, he can do so because God provides him with the power to do it. Otherwise, it will be an ideal that he will never be able to achieve.  Knowing this principle eliminates any notion of machismo in the home. Man is the head not to command but to lead by sacrificing himself with love, expressing the love of Christ to his bride.

He must not only nourish her with love but also with understanding, tenderness and honor.

God commands saying, “As for you husbands, be understanding with your wives. Give them the honor that is due to them, not only because women are more delicate, but also because God in his goodness has promised them the same life as you. Do so so that nothing will hinder your prayers.” 1 Peter 3:7 (ESV)

It is clear how the husband should treat his wife. The husband must learn to understand (which involves taking time to get to know her) his wife and must be the only person with whom there is emotional intimacy. He must take it into account in everything, giving it honor. The wife is also a co-heir (companions) of eternal life with her wife and is to be treated by the husband with the dignity that God has given her. It must be treated with delicacy and tenderness. God does not hear the prayers of husbands who do not treat their wives with understanding, tenderness, and honor.

The husband must also be his wife’s faithful lover. This implies two things. First, that God designed marriage between a man and a woman until death do them part. This means that God does not approve of divorce. When the Lord was asked about divorce, He was very clear saying, ” So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.” (Matthew 19:6). Second, the husband must be faithful to his wife in the sexual area. God warns us to be unfaithful, ” Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral. ” Hebrews 13:4 (KJV). His wife should be the only one with whom he should enjoy his sexual intimacy (Proverbs 5:15-19).

The husband as the head of the household has the responsibility of being the spiritual leader in his home. It is important for a man to know that as the spiritual leader he must submit to Christ who is the Head of the Church. The Bible says, “But I want you to know that Christ is the head of every man, and that the man is the head of the woman, and that God is the head of Christ.” (1 Corinthians 11:3). As a spiritual leader, the husband goes ahead following Christ and is also accountable to Him.

The husband is to be an example to his wife and children in the love he has for Christ. This means that the husband and father should be the first to seek the Lord and spend time in prayer each day, learning the truth of Him in the Bible, and taking his family to church. The husband and father should not be passive in this area and let the wife lead. I have been able to observe in many of the cases how men relegate their responsibility to wives. Many times, we ask in church, “Where are the men?” The spiritual laziness of men is very obvious, but this must change.

The father must be the chief spiritual instructor. The role of being a spiritual teacher involves instructing your children in the ways of Christ. This involves spending time with them talking to them and teaching them. Our primary goal as spiritual leaders is that our children may come to know Christ as their Savior and may grow in Him in all wisdom until they are true, mature, and responsible Christians. The moral and spiritual deviation of children today is due to the fact that the father has not fulfilled this role that God gave him.

The father must be the one who educates his children. He should not only be the teacher in spiritual education but also in moral instruction. This involves teaching them the biblical moral ethics we find in the Bible that goes against what our culture has taught us. We must teach them good manners, the right treatment of the opposite sex, chivalry to men and women to act like a lady. They must also be taught about the sexual purity they must have until they get married. They should see the demonstration of affection between mom and dad as part of God’s design. Both the father and the mother should be the example that their children want to imitate. The best example a husband can give to his children is how he loves his wife. Safe homes are those in which the children can clearly see the father’s love for his wife.

The father must lovingly correct and discipline his children. This involves not only appropriate physical discipline without anger but accompanied by instruction in what is good and bad, right and wrong. Part of correction is protecting our children not only from physical dangers but from moral and spiritual dangers. Today’s culture (including the Hispanic macho one) is opposed to God’s truth and infiltrates all social media. Our duty is to protect them.

The father should also spend time enjoying himself with his family. The father should raise his children according to their good inclinations that go with their personalities and characters and not according to what he could not achieve as a child. For this it is necessary to spend time with each one to get to know them. The goal is to help our children develop Christlike character with qualities such as independence, confidence, honesty, diligence, and perseverance that will help them in the future.

As parents we need to have the spirit of Elijah to turn the hearts of parents to their children (Malachi 4:5-6). For this we must teach and be an example to our children. We must teach them that what we have received from our “machista” Hispanic culture is not what God wants for us. We must teach them the truths I have described in this post. Will you be one with the spirit of Elijah?



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Rompiendo la disfunción de los hombres en la cultura hispana: El rol de los hombres como esposos y papás

Rompiendo la disfunción de los hombres en la cultura hispana: El rol de los hombres como esposos y papás

 Hoy es el día del padre.  Es a propósito que he dejado esta publicación para este día. En las dos publicaciones que he escrito anteriormente, he hablado sobre la disfunción que tenemos en la cultura hispana[1] debido a la falta de los padres en el hogar.  El llamado de Dios para nosotros es que seamos los esposos y papás que él nos dio. Necesitamos ayuda, buenos modelos y enseñanza. He compartido en la iglesia sermones sobre el diseño de Dios para la familia que se pueden encontrar aquí.

Pensando en este día, creo que la mayoría de nosotros que somos padres cristianos que nos hemos esforzado en romper la disfunción de nuestro pasado con nuestros hijos no queremos mucho en este día. No buscamos reconocimiento o regalos. No queremos que nos digan que somos el mejor padre del mundo, porque no lo somos. Lo que queremos en este día, es un simple “gracias.” La mayoría de nosotros estamos contentos con un “Gracias papá por ser mi padre y por todo lo que has hecho por mí. Gracias por tu esfuerzo de ser un papá que cumple el rol que Dios te ha dado.” Eso es suficiente para mí. De parte mía a todos los papás, “¡Gracias! Sigamos adelante cumpliendo nuestros roles como hombres, esposos y padres que Dios nos ha dado.”

Ahora al tema de esta publicación.

En mi publicación anterior escribí sobre cómo debe ser el hombre según lo diseñó Dios. Estos puntos generales van en contra de la cultura contemporánea de hoy, así como también lo fue en el pasado, y en particular la cultura hispana. En este ensayo mi enfoque es el rol del hombre como esposo y como padre.

Comencemos con el rol de esposo. ¿Cuáles son los roles del esposo en el hogar? Desde el punto de vista cristiano, los roles son muy claros. Debemos entender que la cultura machista del pasado y aun en el presente enfatizó mucho el rol de cabeza, jefe, el que “llevaba los pantalones.” Este rol ha sido quizás el más abusado por parte de los hombres machistas. Como miraremos, el rol no es malo en sí, pero la expresión del rol está en completa oposición a cómo Dios lo manda.

El hombre o el caballero una vez se ha casado tiene el rol de ser el sustentador de su esposa y de su hogar. Cuando hablo de sustento no hablo de lo material, que es obvio. El tipo de sustento al que me refiero es el que ayuda a tener al matrimonio en armonía y longevidad. Él debe sustentarla con su amor. Este amor según la Biblia imita el amor sacrificial de Cristo para su Iglesia. Cuando el Señor murió y resucitó fue para salvar a su Iglesia, a los que creen en Él. Siendo la cabeza de la iglesia, se dio en sacrificio por su esposa, la Iglesia. Este es el tipo de amor que el esposo debe tener para con su esposa. En sí, el matrimonio de un hombre y una mujer debe ser ejemplo del amor de Cristo hacia su iglesia. En Efesios dice, “Maridos amad a vuestras mujeres, así como Cristo amó a la iglesia y se entregó a sí mismo por ella.” (Efesios 5:25). El principio es claro, los esposos debemos amar a nuestras esposas como Cristo amó a su iglesia. Ese amor es sacrificial y perfecto. ¿Es posible? Sí la persona es verdaderamente cristiana, puede hacerlo porque Dios le provee el poder para hacerlo. De otra manera será un ideal que no podrá alcanzar jamás.  Sabiendo este principio elimina cualquier noción de machismo en el hogar. El hombre es cabeza no para mandar sino para ir adelante sacrificándose con amor, dándole el amor de Cristo a su esposa.

No solo debe de sustentarla con amor sino también con comprensión, ternura y con honor.    Dios manda diciendo, “En cuanto a ustedes, los esposos, sean comprensivos con sus esposas. Denles el honor que les corresponde, no solamente porque la mujer es más delicada, sino también porque Dios en su bondad les ha prometido a ellas la misma vida que a ustedes. Háganlo así para que nada estorbe sus oraciones.” 1 Pedro 3:7 (VP)

Queda claro como el esposo debe tratar a su esposa. El esposo debe aprender a comprender (lo cual implica tomar tiempo para conocerle) a su esposa y debe ser la única persona con la cual hay intimidad emocional. Debe tomarla en cuenta en todo, dándole honor. La esposa es también coheredera (compañeros) de la vida eterna con su esposa y debe ser tratada por el esposo con la dignidad que Dios le ha dado. Debe ser tratada con delicadeza y ternura. Dios no escucha las oraciones de los esposos que no tratan con comprensión, ternura y honor a sus esposas.

El esposo también debe ser el fiel amante de su esposa. Esto implica dos cosas. Primero, que Dios diseño el matrimonio entre un hombre y una mujer hasta que la muerte les separe. Esto quiere decir que Dios no aprueba el divorcio. Cuando le preguntaron al Señor acerca del divorcio, él fue muy claro diciendo, “así que ya no son dos, sino un solo ser. Por tanto, lo que Dios ha unido, que no lo separe nadie.” (Mateo 19:6). En segundo lugar, el esposo debe ser fiel a su esposa en el área sexual. Dios nos advierte de ser infieles, “Que todos respeten el matrimonio y mantengan la pureza de sus relaciones matrimoniales; porque Dios juzgará a los que cometen inmoralidades sexuales y los que cometen adulterio.” Hebreos 13:3 (VP). Su esposa debe ser la única con la cuál debe disfrutar su intimidad sexual (Proverbios 5:15-19).

El esposo como cabeza del hogar tiene el cargo de ser el líder espiritual en su hogar. Es importante que el hombre sepa que siendo el líder espiritual él debe someterse a Cristo que es la Cabeza de la Iglesia. La Biblia dice, “Pero quiero que sepan que Cristo es la cabeza de todo hombre, y que el hombre es la cabeza de la mujer, y que Dios es la cabeza de Cristo.” (1 Corintios 11:3). Como líder espiritual, el esposo va adelante siguiendo a Cristo y también le rinde cuenta a Él.

El esposo debe de ser ejemplo a su esposa e hijos en el amor que tiene a Cristo. Esto quiere decir que el esposo y padre debe ser el primero en buscar al Señor y dedicar tiempo en la oración cada día, aprendiendo la verdad de Él en la Biblia, y de llevar a su familia a la iglesia. El esposo y padre no debe ser pasivo en esta área y dejar que la esposa dirija. He podido observar en muchos de los casos como los hombres relegan su responsabilidad a las esposas. Muchas veces preguntamos en la iglesia, “¿Dónde están los hombres?” La flojera espiritual de los hombres es muy obvia, pero esto debe cambiar.

El padre debe ser el instructor principal espiritual. El rol de ser instructor espiritual envuelve instruir a sus hijos en los caminos de Cristo. Esto implica pasar tiempo con ellos hablándoles y enseñándoles. La meta principal nuestra como líderes espirituales es que nuestros hijos lleguen a conocer a Cristo como su Salvador y puedan crecer en Él en toda sabiduría hasta ser cristianos verdaderos, maduros y responsables. El desvío moral y espiritual de los hijos hoy día se debe a que el papá no ha cumplido con este rol que Dios le dio.

El padre debe ser el que educar a sus hijos. El no solo debe ser el maestro en la educación espiritual sino también la instrucción moral. Esto implica enseñarles la ética moral bíblica que encontramos en la Biblia que va en contra de lo que nuestra cultura nos ha enseñado. Debemos enseñarles los buenos modales, el trato correcto entre el sexo opuesto, la caballerosidad a los hombres y a las mujeres el actuar como dama. Hay que también enseñarles sobre la pureza sexual que deben tener hasta que se casen. Deben ver la demostración del afecto entre mamá y papá como parte del diseño de Dios. Tanto el padre como la madre deben ser el ejemplo que sus hijos quieren imitar. El mejor ejemplo que el esposo puede dar a sus hijos es cómo ama a su esposa. Los hogares seguros son aquellos en los cuáles los hijos pueden ver claramente el amor del padre hacia su esposa.

El padre debe corregir con amor y disciplinar a sus hijos. Esto implica no solo castigo físico apropiado y sin enojo sino acompañado con instrucción en que lo que es bueno y malo, correcto e incorrecto. Parte de la corrección es proteger a nuestros hijos no solo de los peligros físicos sino de los peligros morales espirituales. La cultura de hoy (incluyendo la machista hispana) está opuesta a verdad de Dios y se infiltra por todos los medios sociales. Nuestro deber es protegerles.

El padre debe también pasar tiempo disfrutando con su familia. El padre debe criar a sus hijos de acuerdo con las inclinaciones buenas que van de acuerdo con sus personalidades y caracteres y no según lo que él no pudo lograr como niño. Para esto es necesario que pase tiempo con cada uno para conocerlos. La meta es ayudar a nuestros hijos a desarrollar el carácter cristiano con cualidades como la independencia, la confianza, la honestidad, la diligencia y la perseverancia que les ayudará en el futuro.

Como padres necesitamos tener el espíritu de Elías el profeta para hacer volver los corazones de los padres hacia los hijos (Malaquías 4:5-6). Para esto debemos enseñar y ser ejemplo de nuestros hijos. Debemos enseñarles que lo que hemos recibido de nuestra cultura hispana machista no es lo que Dios quiere para nosotros. Debemos enseñarles las verdades que he descrito en este ensayo. ¿Será Ud. uno con el espíritu de Elías?

[1] Esta disfunción no es solo de los hombres Hispanos. En los Estados Unidos el 21% o 15.3 millones de niños viven con solo su mama. Esto a incrementado desde los años 1968 en el cual el porcentaje era de solo 11%. En estas estadísticas, los Afroamericanos son lo que tienen el mayor número de hijos sin padres, seguidos por los Hispanos. (Number of Kids Living Only With Their Mothers Has Doubled in 50 Years (


Otras publicaciones en esta serie:

Machismo, hombres y padres en la cultura hispana – Eig Blog (

Rompiendo la disfunción de los hombres en la cultura hispana: ¿Cómo debe ser un hombre? – Eig Blog (

Machismo, Men and Fathers in Hispanic Culture – Eig Blog (

Breaking the dysfunction of men in Hispanic culture – Eig Blog (

<span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links">Posted in</span> padres, padres e hijos, papás, roles, roles en el matrimonio | <span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-tag-links">Tagged</span> , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment