Category Archives: Uncategorized

It all Begins with God – Jeremiah 1

The truth of Scripture is clear: It all begins with God. This is exemplified for us in the life of Jeremiah in the first chapter. We learn that everything about us, even before we existed begins with God who calls us to follow him so that we can carry the tasks given to us. We […]

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The Fatherhood of God

Lord, art thou in the room?Come near my bed; oh, draw aside the curtain!A child’s heart would say Father, were it certainThat it would not presume. I was reading a poem from George MacDonald about God’s Fatherhood (quote above). It’s a very sweet poem that expresses the longing of a child to his Father. It made […]

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The cost of following Jesus – Mark 9:31-38

We want to answer the following questions: What does it mean to follow Jesus or be his disciple? What is the cost of following Jesus? What does it involve? Does God want to be willing to die for him or is this passage figurative? The cost of being his disciple involves three key actions from […]

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TrishTestimony: From nominal Catholic to Jesus Follower

Trish shares how she became a Jesus follower.    

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La historia bíblica de Jonás para niños. Primera parte.

La historia bíblica de Jonás para niños. Mi hija de 14 años y un servidor ayudámos a grabar para una escuela bíblica en México de nuestros jóvenes. Espero que la disfruten. Segunda parte Tercera parte

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How to be a Good and Wise Friend (Selected Proverbs)

The word “friend” in Proverbs has a positive idea, not a negative one. However, Proverbs gives us guidelines to keep in mind when it comes to friendships. It teaches us as much as having and being good friends. It also shows us why we should have wise friends and avoid those who are not. This […]

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Esta Terminado

Esta terminado“Cuando Jesús hubo tomado el vinagre, dijo: Consumado es. Y habiendo inclinado la cabeza, entregó el espíritu.” – Juan 19:30 Esta terminado.Está completado.Está finalizado.Está terminado.La misión de Dios.Convertirse en un hombre.Para vivir una vida perfecta.Para ofrecer su vida.Morir como un cordero.Para ser ofrecido como sacrificio perfecto.Para pagar por nuestros pecados.Para liberarnos del pecado.Para llevarnos […]

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It is Finished

It is finished“When he had received the sour wine, Jesus said, “It is completed!” Then he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.” – John 19:30 It is finished.It is completed.It is ended.It is done.The mission of God.To become a man.To live a perfect life.To offer His life.To die as a lamb.To be offered […]

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My First Pastor

I was born in El Salvador in 1970 and lived there until I was almost 11 years old. My mom and three of my sisters made our trek to the United States in 1981 and reunited with three of my sisters who already lived here. After living in Los Angeles for a year, my mom, […]

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Book Review: A Man of Iron The Turbulent Life and Improbable Presidency of Grover Cleveland by Troy Seine

A Man of IronThe Turbulent Life and Improbable Presidency of Grover Cleveland by Troy Seine One of my favorite reading genres are biographies and includes presidents. I own and have read quite a few presidents which usually are the ones most people know about or are widely known. I was excited to find this biography […]

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