Category Archives: disciples

Book review: Multilingual Church: Strategies for Making Disciples in All Languages

Multilingual Church: Strategies for Making Disciples in All Languages by Jonathan DownieMy rating: 4 of 5 stars This book offers a different side of what we call “multiethnic” churches. The idea is that churches where there is a diversity of ethnicities and by implication languages, need to adapt to be able to make disciples of […]

<span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links">Posted in</span> disciples, discipleship, multiethnic church, multilingual churches | <span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-tag-links">Tagged</span> , , , | Leave a comment

The cost of following Jesus – Mark 9:31-38

We want to answer the following questions: What does it mean to follow Jesus or be his disciple? What is the cost of following Jesus? What does it involve? Does God want to be willing to die for him or is this passage figurative? The cost of being his disciple involves three key actions from […]

<span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links">Posted in</span> disciples, discipleship, Uncategorized | <span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-tag-links">Tagged</span> , , , , | 1 Comment

El Verdadero Seguidor de Jesucristo – Lucas 14:25-33

Lucas dice, “Grandes multitudes iban con él”. ¿Qué les dijo el Señor a estas multitudes? Lo que les dijo no fue un mensaje popular. No es un mensaje popular hoy día. No estoy seguro que las iglesias grandes hoy día dicen algo así ya que quieren evitar que las personas se vayan. De igual manera […]

<span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links">Posted in</span> disciples, seguidor de Cristo, seguir a Cristo | <span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-tag-links">Tagged</span> , , , | Leave a comment

Cuatro Niveles de Discípulos

La Biblia usa la palabra “discípulo” para referirse a un seguidor de Jesús. En el Nuevo Testamento (los Evangelios y en el libro de Hechos) encontramos que la palabra “discípulo” se encuentra 26 veces y “discípulos” 233 veces. Jesús tuvo a muchos seguidores, pero no todos eran discípulos. Algunos discípulos no eran verdaderos discípulos. Hay […]

<span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links">Posted in</span> cuatro niveles de discípulos, disciples, discipleship, discipulos, making disciples, ser y hacer discípulos | Leave a comment

Appointed to Eternal Life – Acts 13:13-52

Here is the recording for Acts 13:13-52  taught during our Sunday School hour at Village Bible Church.  Appointed to Eternal Life – Acts 13:13-52 Material is copyright by eigaldamez. Permission is given to re-post or reproduce without editing the content. Disclaimer: The contents of all personal web pages and blogs published are solely my responsibility. Statements made […]

<span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links">Posted in</span> Acts 13, antioch pisidia, appointed to eternal life, book of Acts, church-planting, disciples, discipleship, Paul's first missionary journey | Leave a comment

Who Has ALL Power in Heaven and Earth

Many times we read certain passages in the Bible over and over that we don’t really think about them too much. But the Holy Spirit does his work in us and often points to us what we need to be reminded or what we need to do. This is the case with me this week. […]

<span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links">Posted in</span> all power, all power in heaven and earth, disciples, great commission, Jesús, making disciples, Matthew 28 | Leave a comment