Keeping Christmas Well

“It was always said of him, that he knew how to keep Christmas well, if any man alive
possessed the knowledge. May that be truly said of us, and all of us!” – Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol.

This is a very interesting quote. For those of us who are followers of Jesus, this should be said of us. We should keep Christmas well because most of us have the knowledge.

How do we do this? We all have the knowledge, yet it is good to know what the basics are to keep Christmas.

To keep Christmas well, we need to understand that it isn’t just December 25th. The essence of Christmas is something we need to do every day.

Here are ABCs to keep Christmas well throughout the year.

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El Amor que Llegó para Quedarse – 1 Juan 4:7-18

Hoy aprenderemos que el amor llegó, no por un tiempo, para irse o desaparecerse. El amor llegó para quedarse. Llegó en la forma de un bebé, un niño que nació como todos nosotros, creció, murió cruelmente asesinado, pero resucitó. No se quedó acostado en la tierra como la chicharra. Resucitó. Resucitó para compartir su vida con nosotros a través de la fe en su acto sacrificial en la cruz.

Quizás tú has estado buscando el amor, el amor romántico, el amor familiar, el amor de amigos, pero no has tenido éxito. Pero quizás tienes estos tipos de amor, pero no tienes el amor de Dios. Este es al amor que perdurará aún más allá de tu existencia mortal.

¿Cómo es este amor?

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Brief review of Inhabiting Time by James K. A. Smith

Inhabiting Time by James K.A. Smith


It was an enjoyable book dealing not with just time in general but our time, how we live our lives in this world God has placed us. God created time and we are part of it. This is significant. We must live keeping this reality in the forefront. It is very insightful.  I related a lot with him since we are about the same age and season of life as he is. It is of course philosophical, quoting from diverse sources including his favorite “his friend” St Augustine, Kierkegaard and others. His religious (and political) bent is different than mine so I don’t agree with al his views and interpretations of Scripture (He spends some time criticizing Dispensationalists and their End times views) and of life in general.

But he is a good, thoughtful thinker. I appreciate his transparency about his life, (e.g., bouts with depression) which I relate to as well. Again, he has some really good thoughts about life and its course through time (with end notes with more books to explore).

Here are some of my favorite quotes and some of my thoughts.

“We might imagine spiritual timekeeping as an expansion of the spiritual discipline of memento mori, the disciplined habit of keeping death before us.” (12)

“Human beings dwell temporally. Time doesn’t just wash over us like rain, because our very being is temporally porous. To be temporal is to be the sort of creature who absorbs time and its effects. A rolling stone might carry no moss, but a temporal human being picks up and carries an entire history as they roll through a lifetime.” (27)

“William Faulkner’s insight: “The past is never dead. It’s not even past. Our past is not what we’ve left behind; it’s what we carry. It’s like we’ve been handed a massive ring of jangling keys. Some of them unlock possible futures. Some of them have enchained our neighbors. We are thrown into the situation of trying to discern which is which. We are called to live forward, given our history, bearing both its possibilities and its entanglements. Faithfulness is not loyalty to a past but answering a call to shalom given (and despite) our past.” (33)

We are not victims of time, we are part of time. Time carries history or history time and we carry with it with us as we live our lives. We are absorbing the events that happen in our times.

“God does not want to undo our pasts; nor does he want us to nostalgically dwell in our pasts; God’s grace goes back to fetch our pasts for the sake of the future.” (63)

“The “I” is saved only if this me with this bodily history rises to new life. If all that I’ve lived through was simply erased by grace, then “I” am lost rather than redeemed. If all that I’ve become and learned and acquired and experienced was just overwhelmed and made null by grace, then salvation would be an obliteration rather than redemption.” (64)

“The jagged line that is your story tracks the path of God’s companionship and care. Who, indeed, can straighten what God has made crooked? And why would you wish it were straighter? Look what God has done: that crooked line is one he drew with you.” (72)

These three quotes relate to our past, especially that which has hurt us. God uses all of it “for the sake of the future”.  Who we are is made up of al these experiences and God makes out of this something.

“Historical proximity is not the same as an encounter with the God who arrives in history”(81).

“Learning to live with, even celebrate, the transitory is a mark of Christian timekeeping, a way of settling into our creaturehood and resting in our mortality.”(97)

“When you understand that life is a vapor and appreciate that the seasons of life are both expected and transitory, you’re primed to inhabit them with the proper expectations: to know when you are and dwell in that now, but in such a way that you recognize this too shall pass.” (115)

“”Taking the time” is a way of letting the season shape us, and ultimately there is a trust that God’s providential and caring hand is not only behind the season but holding us through it.”(127)

God is actively involved in our lives. We need to be aware of our temporary nature in this planet but also that God is part of every season we go through.

“God’s nearness looks and feels different depending on the season you’re in. You will also find that Scripture sounds different, depending on your season.” (141)

“Because time is not flat, God doesn’t always sound the same. Of course his Word endures, just as the score for Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony is “set.” But that doesn’t mean we don’t hear it differently, that it doesn’t mean anew. This is why repeated listening is a gift.” (141)

“A life lived with God through time is a period of incubation in which the Spirit of God is creating the capacity in us to hear the same Word anew and to make the Word echo afresh in the new crevices in our heart. ” (143)

I agree with this. As I have lived my life as Christian, “God’s nearness looks and feels different” and even “Scripture sounds different.”  This is part of the growth towards being in the likeness of Christ. It is hard to determine progress because we can’t really see how it all fits together. But we will in the end when the Lord comes back for us. What should be true is that we are experiencing God’s presence each step of the way.

“The God who saves is a mosaic artist who takes the broken fragments of our history and does a new thing: he creates a work of art in which that history is reframed, reconfigured, taken up, and reworked such that the mosaic could only be what it is with that history. The consummation of time is not the erasure of history. The end of all things is a “taking up,” not a destruction. “Time was not made for death but for eternity.”“

Amen to this!


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Gozo – Lucas 2:8-20

Este es lo que encontramos en este pasaje hoy. Los pastores reciben el anuncio angelical del nacimiento del Señor Jesucristo. Y esto, según los ángeles eran “nuevas de gran gozo” para todo el pueblo. En otras palabras, este evento era un evento de mucha alegría para todo el pueblo porque El Salvador, el Mesías, el Escogido de Dios se había humanado. Se había hecho hombre para poder rescatar a su pueblo de sus pecados.
Este tiempo para nosotros es tiempo para recordar, mirando atrás, al nacimiento del Señor hace más de dos mil años. El evento que transformó nuestra vida cuando creímos en Él como nuestro Salvador, cuando creímos este anuncio. Pero también lo enfatizamos en este tiempo porque queremos que otros crean este anuncio. No solo esto, sino que también nos recuerda que su segundo Advenimiento se llevará a cabo, y cuando suceda tendremos mucho gozo y alegría.

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Serie de Sermones: Jonás


Huyendo De Dios Jonás 1

Oración De Salvación Y Gratitud Jonás 1.7-2.10

La Misericordia Salvadora De Dios Jonás 3

Cuando Lo Que Dios Hace Nos Parece Malo Jonás 4



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Cristo Nuestra Paz – Efesios 2:11-17

Hay dos tipos paz que queremos estudiar en esta mañana. La primera, la paz con Dios, es la base de la segunda la paz con otros. Sin la primera, no hay esperanza para la segunda. Y escrituralmente, sabemos que esta paz, la paz de Dios es la que tiene la respuesta para todos los conflictos y guerras de este mundo. La paz mundial se realizará cuando el Príncipe de Paz vuelva otra vez. Esto es lo que celebramos en el Advenimiento. Celebramos que Cristo es nuestra esperanza, nuestro gozo, nuestro amor, y nuestra paz que vino y vendrá otra vez.


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Pablo Siervo de Cristo – Hechos 9:19-32

Saulo, un hombre que estaba comprometido a destruir la iglesia del Señor, acaba de ser transformado por el poder del Cristo resucitado. Ahora ha sido comisionado por el Señor para ser su apóstol, su siervo, su instrumento para proclamar el Evangelio de Jesús.


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Compartiendo el Evangelio con los de corazón abierto – Hechos 8:26-40

Felipe estuvo disponible en el momento indicado para compartir con alguien, muy diferente a Felipe, que Dios había preparado para que le compartiera.

Él fue obediente a la guía del Señor. No solo compartió las Buenas Nuevas tanto en público sino también en privado en esta ocasión. Aunque el Señor le dio la capacidad de comunicar el Evangelio de una manera que llevó a la gente a creer, es la obra de Dios, no del hombre la que lleva a la salvación. Pero Él nos ha elegido para usarnos como sus instrumentos.

Su ejemplo es útil para nosotros entender cómo podemos ser usados por el Señor para compartir el evangelio. Nos muestra claramente que Dios pondrá en nuestro camino a personas cuyos corazones están listos para recibir el Evangelio. Debemos ser obedientes cuando Él lo haga.
Miremos cómo lo hace en Felipe y cómo nosotros debemos estar atentos a estas oportunidades.

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Persecución, Predicación, Peligro – Hechos 8:1-25

Este pasaje nos enseña como la persecución de la iglesia no está fuera de la voluntad de Dios y no debe alarmarnos. Las situaciones difíciles son oportunidades para serle fiel al Señor y para compartir (ser sus testigos) con otros el evangelio. La iglesia del Señor jamás será destruída no importa lo que el hombre haga y/o Satanás haga en contra de ella. Además este pasaje nos enseña sobre como el evangelio cuando es recibido y creído trae gozo a las personas. Pero también hay peligro porque hay personas que dicen creer pero no son verdaderos cristianos. Estos buscan sus propios intereses y el poder para hacer la obra de Dios. Dios siempre revelará lo que no viene de Él y lo hará a través de los líderes que Él ha puesto en la iglesia para pastorearla en el camino de su Verdad. Debemos aprender de lo que pasó en la iglesia en el primer siglo para evitar extraviarnos de su verdad y evitar el fracaso espiritual como iglesia.

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