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Porque tú, Señor, eres bueno y perdonador, y grande en misericordia para con todos los que te invocan.Internet Archive – bookmarks for: despond
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by Eric GeigerI am enjoying this book and agreeing with it (like "yes!", "write on"...laughing that Jesus wouldn't get hired because he was single...silly but prob would be true). There are some parts that uses particular language to describe leadersh...tagged: currently-readingtagged: currently-readingtagged: currently-readingtagged: currently-reading
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Category Archives: Pastors
My friend Jimmy and how God uses us
While working at a machine shop in California, Jimmy bought food from the truck my sister drove to where he worked. I assumed he often spoke to her and on one occasion he invited her to a hispanic church where he was helping. He was sent there to help even though he spoke no Spanish […]
<span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links">Posted in</span> Jimmy Sandoval, Pastor, Pastors
<span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-tag-links">Tagged</span> pastors
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La responsabilidad de los pastores, de los jóvenes y de la iglesia – 1 Pedro 5:1-6
El tema de Pedro en esta cara a sido el de cómo vivir como extranjeros y peregrinos en medio de una cultura que les ataca, les persigue y ocasiona sufrimiento. Pedro a tratado el tema ampliamente y miramos que al final del capítulo 4 les dice a los que padecen persecución “según la voluntad de […]
<span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links">Posted in</span> 1 Pedro, Ancianos de la Iglesia, humildad, humility, liderato espiritual, líderes, líderes espirituales, Pastor, pastores, Pastors
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Pastor Jimmy Sandoval:
In this final segment pastor Jimmy Sandoval talks about legacy in ministry and retirement.
<span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links">Posted in</span> Jimmy Sandoval, Pastor, pastoreando el corazón de tu hijo, pastores, Pastors
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Pastor Jimmy Sandoval: Multiethnic ministry
Is this segment Pastor Jimmy Sandoval from Grace Community Santa Fe talks about multiethnic ministry and churches in the United States. Being an American born Hispanic he reflects on what we need to do to reflect our changing demographics.“The church should be ready to adapt to new cultural realities…” “Dominant culture need to understand that […]
<span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links">Posted in</span> Jimmy Sandoval, multiethnic church, Multigenerational Hispanic churches, Pastor, pastoring is hard work, Pastors
<span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-tag-links">Tagged</span> multiethnic churches, multiethnicministry
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Pastor Jimmy Sandoval: Longevity in Ministry & the Future of the Church
Pastor Jimmy Sandoval talks about longevity in ministry and the future of the church.
<span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links">Posted in</span> church, Jimmy Sandoval, Pastor, pastoring is hard work, Pastors
<span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-tag-links">Tagged</span> longevity in ministry
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Pastor Jimmy Sandoval: How to deal with difficult people in Ministry
In this segment, pastor Jimmy Sandoval talks about how to deal with difficult people in ministry.
<span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links">Posted in</span> Jimmy Sandoval, Pastor, pastores, pastoring is hard work, Pastors
<span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-tag-links">Tagged</span> difficult people in ministry
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Pastor Jimmy Sandoval: Being Called to Ministry
In this segment pastor Jimmy talks about how he was called to ministry and what this means.
<span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links">Posted in</span> Jimmy Sandoval, minister, ministers, ministry, Pastors
<span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-tag-links">Tagged</span> ministry
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Pastor Jimmy Sandoval: How he came to know Christ
In this segment pastor Jimmy who has pastored for 25 years at Grace Community in Santa Fe, New Mexico shares how he came to Christ. In the next segment he shares about how he was called to be a minister.
<span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links">Posted in</span> Jimmy Sandoval, Pastor, pastores, pastoring is hard work, Pastors
<span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-tag-links">Tagged</span> Grace community church santa fe, knowing Christ, ministry, pastors
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Encouraging your Pastor/Animando a tu Pastor
“For now we live, if you are standing fast in the Lord.” 1 Thessalonians 3:8 In a previous post I wrote about how Paul is encouraged to hear that the Thessalonian church was following the Lord faithfully as he had taught them. He cared and loved them and longed to see them but he hadn’t been […]
<span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links">Posted in</span> Pastor, pastorear, pastores, pastoring is hard work, Pastors, Uncategorized
<span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-tag-links">Tagged</span> agradeciendo a los pastores, Iglesias, pastor, pastores, thanking pastors
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Encouraging Leaders of the Church to Lead Well (Elders/Pastors/Bishops) Acts 20:17-38
Here is the audio recording for Acts 20:17-38 taught during our Sunday School hour at Village Bible Church. In this section Paul addresses the elders (bishops, overseers, bishops) of Ephesus. The elders (“presbyteroi” v. 17- see Acts 14:23; Titus 1:5) are the leaders of the church who lead with maturity. They are also the bishops or overseers […]
<span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links">Posted in</span> Acts, Acts 20, Apostle Paul, Bishops, book of Acts, church, Elders, Elders at Ephesus, Ephesian Elders, God's Church, Pastors, Shepherding
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