Category Archives: Encouraging others

Encouraging myself

Encouraging myself Some think that saying things good about ourselves especially to others is considered being proud, overconfident, narcissistic, or other. Similarly, expressing the good things other say about us, is also considered a sort of arrogance. But I think there is genuine value for us to encourage ourselves. Yes, there is a line between […]

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Who encourages you?

At the beginning of this month, I was reading and working through Deuteronomy 31:1-8 on the my new The Message Prayerful Reading Bible and came upon a question that startled me and left me disconcerted. It asked, “Who in your life encourages you when you are feeling intimidated or overwhelmed? What do you notice about […]

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Encouraging & Strengthening Others, Worshipping on the Lord’s Day! Acts 20:1-17

It is interesting too that today in our Sunday School we got to put into practice much of what we learned. We had a visitor that showed up seeking help  and from the moment she walked into our church one of our class members spoke to her. She came to our class, listened and cried. […]

<span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links">Posted in</span> Acts, Acts 20, Encouraging others, Euthichus, Paul in Corinth, Paul in Ephesus, Paul in Macedonia, Worshipping on the Lord's day | Leave a comment