Three marks of a believer

Three marks of a believer

Paul in 1 Thessalonians 1:8-10 gives us three marks of believer.

1. They share the gospel with others v. 8
“The Lord’s message rang out from you not only in Macedonia and Achaia—your faith in God has become known everywhere. Therefore we do not need to say anything about it” (NET Bible)

The Thessalonians (the Gospel) “resonated” (like a sound that resonates) or spread the word of the Lord, the gospel, with their witness as followers of Christ. Their lives were an example of the transformation of the gospel. It resonated throughout Macedonia and Achaia. Believers living in Thessalonica in their daily lives were in contact with many people since it was a commercial center. Many had heard how they had believed in Christ and had been persecuted for it. This made their “faith in God become known everywhere”.

When you have a good testimony or reputation of your faith in (before) God before others, it is easy to share the gospel because the way has already been prepared. They both go together. When you have bad testimony, it’s hard or impossible.
Their testimony impacted many in such a way that Paul and his team had no need to go and carry the message there. The disciples were already making disciples!

Sharing the gospel was not a formal act but a real act of daily life.
Their lives showed that they were true converts of Christ. But this would not be enough if it is not accompanied by the transformation of their lives.

  2. They show with their lives how they have been converted to Christ v. 9
“for they themselves report what kind of reception you gave us. They tell how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God” (NET Bible)

Paul received reports about Thessalonians’ faith. Those reports included how they had received Paul and his team when they came to share with them. They received them in a very open manner and were willing to listen to the truth of God. He also heard about their conversion to Christ.

The word out was that they had left their idols and turned to the true living God v. 9a. This is in a society that was polytheists and shunned and persecuted those who were not. They had “turned to God” or had converted to God. Conversion is not personal reform to become acceptable to God. This is religion. Conversion comes from God (the order of words in Greek is like this: “You turned to God from idols”) first. Then comes the turning away from “idols”. This is repentance. It means I recognize that I am separated from God because of my sin, that I am serving other gods, and I make a change of direction toward God. The negative aspect of repentance is leaving the wrong path. It’s a definitive act and not a process. The positive aspect is turning to God.

Conversion “means serving the living and true God” v. 9b
Before they were converted, the Thessalonians served false, lifeless gods. Now they served the living and true God. Their positive change was to “serve the living and true God.” The Lord does not save us so that we continue to live our way and to continue with our idols (and our idols are more sophisticated). He takes us out of the world of idolatry to serve Him and to be His servants. Our God is the living God who has always existed. He’s the Author of all lives. In Him is eternal life. He is the only true God. All other gods are false.

3. They confidently await the Second Coming of Christ v. 10
“and to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead—Jesus, who rescues us from the coming wrath”

Paul taught about the Second Coming of Christ to these new believers in the brief time he was with them. He told them that the risen Lord would come again, and when he came he would deliver them from the “coming wrath.” This “anger” is not uncontrollable, but is the execution of God’s punishment on sin and sinner that refuse to repent. God’s holy and righteous character demands that sin be punished. This anger is God’s judgment is only for non-believers (Rom. 2:5) because Jesus Christ received the punishment for sin for all of us who have believed.

We don’t talk much about the coming of Christ and what will happen when the Lord comes. It may be for a number of reasons. First, there is always controversy as to when he will come, whether before or after or during tribulation. But the truth is that God’s wrath will come in what the Bible calls “Great Tribulation.” What we have experienced with the pandemic does not come close what will come to this world in the future from the hand of God. Second, we don’t want to make people uncomfortable thinking they shouldn’t consider this world their home. This would alter many of their lives, what an irony!

Are these three marks evident in your life? This is a good time to pause and learn from the church in Thessalonica about what it means to be a Christian. If you haven’t turned to Christ and repented of your sins, do this now. Serve him with all of your life. Live in a way that shows your love for Him. Live expecting his return.

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¿Porqué Dios Tolera la Maldad y Violencia?

¿Porqué Dios Tolera la Maldad y Violencia?

Esta serie tiene tres sermones.

¿Porqué Dios Tolera la Maldad y Violencia? Habacuc 1

¿Es Dios Injusto? Esperando En Dios – Habacuc 2

Confiando Con Fe en la Justicia Del Señor – Habacuc 3

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Serie de Sermones: Colosenses

Serie de Sermones: Colosenses

Los sermones están en orden cronológico.

Creciendo En Cristo – Colosenses 1.1-14

La Preeminencia de Cristo Sobre Su Creación y Su Iglesia – Colosenses 1.15-23

Compartiendo El Misterio De Cristo – Colosenses 1:16- 2.5

Llamados A Una Vida Cristo Céntrica – Colosenses 2.6-15

La Superioridad De La Vida Cristo Céntrica – Colosenses 2.16-3.4

Quitando Lo Que Estorba En La Vida Cristo Céntrica – Colosenses 3.5-11

Ropa Nueva – Colosenses 3:12-3:17

La Vida Cristo Céntrica En Las Relaciones – Colosenses 3.18-4.1

La Vida Cristo Céntrica Y El Testimonio Afuera – Colosenses 4:2-18

Video sermones en Youtube


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Three ways that show you are elected by God

Three ways that show you are elected by God

There are three ways that the Thessalonians showed that they had been elected by God to be His. These are the characteristics are true in any person that calls himself or herself a follower of Christ. As you read them think of how true they are in your life. If they are not, take some time to acknowledge that to God and ask him to make you his true follower.

1. Receiving the gospel through the Holy Spirit vv. 4-5
“For we know, brothers and sisters[b] loved by God, that he has chosen you, because our gospel came to you not simply with words but also with power, with the Holy Spirit and deep conviction. You know how we lived among you for your sake.” (NIV)

It was “our” gospel or good news that Paul shared. He knew that this gospel was something real that He had experienced. It cannot be shared if it is not something that is real in the life of the preacher.

For the Thessalonians to believe, there had to be someone to share the gospel with them. God used Paul. In Acts 17:2-3 we find that Paul taught them with the scriptures (the Old Testament) that Christ was the promised Messiah. This gospel was entrusted to Paul by God to share to the Gentiles.
“It came to you” means that it came to them because it was the Lord who commanded him.

The message that he shared was not human work. A person’s eloquence or non-eloquence cannot change anyone. Although words are necessary (the idea that if necessary you have to use words is wrong), it is not just words. The power that led them to receive the gospel was the Holy Spirit (v. 5b)

Only the power of the gospel, which is the power of God, transforms and turns people into followers of Christ. When the gospel is shared, God works through the Holy Spirit in the person’s life. This gospel is preached in “full certainty” or trust because it comes from God and it is God who works in the lives of the people who hear it.

Paul’s motivation was love for them (v. 5c).
Apart from the messenger who shares the message, from the power of the Holy Spirit acting, the motivation of those who preach it is important. Paul’s only motivation was to share with them the message of the Lord Jesus Christ. He did it not to plant a church, win their favor, or profit from them. He did so because he wanted them to know the Lord of glory, and the way he behaved before them was a living example of the transformation of the gospel.

The three elements in preaching the gospel are important: sharing the message with conviction with words, the power of the Spirit working in the messenger and those who listen, and the life of the messenger showing himself as an example.

Not only did the fact that they received the gospel preached by Paul through the Holy Spirit prove that they were converted but also

2. Believing the gospel with joy v. 6
“You became imitators of us and of the Lord, for you welcomed the message in the midst of severe suffering with the joy given by the Holy Spirit.”

The Thessalonians believed the gospel. We see it in three results.

They followed the example of Paul and the Lord (v. 7a).

The Thessalonians, after believing in the gospel they followed Paul’s example in his life as a follower of Jesus. It is natural for the disciple who comes to believe through the “missionary”, to imitate him. That’s how discipleship works. It must be like this. Paul not only shared the gospel but was an example with his life to those who believed. Paul said he was a an imitator of Christ. The disciple imitates the Lord in his life and the disciples imitate him. This is the natural process. Therefore, both are imitating the Lord.

How many believers today have not been discipled, and there are others who have, but have been shown a bad example or learned the wrong teachings.

Received the word in the midst of tribulation v. 7b.

The second result that the Thessalonians were believers is that they received the word Paul taught them “in the midst of great tribulation.” In other words, by believing in Christ they experienced persecution from unbelieving Jews and others, but this affirmed even more in their faith.
It is one thing to believe in an environment full of acceptance and to believe in an environment that is antagonistic to the faith. Believers in countries where there is persecution understand exactly this. They experience persecution but remain faithful to the Lord. The believer is expected to experience persecution.

Received the word “with joy of the Holy Spirit” (v. 7c).

Not only did they believe in the midst of “great tribulation” or hardship, but they did so “with joy of the Holy Spirit.” It means that the Holy Spirit gave them joy in the midst of these difficult circumstances. This was another proof that they were truly converted to Christ. Only the converted to Christ has the power of the Holy Spirit to receive everything with joy, including persecution. The paradoxical thing is that the more tribulation the believer passes, the more joy he has and the more similarity to the Lord. The religious leaves his religion for his comfort when affliction or tribulation comes.

The Thessalonians proved that they were chosen by God because they received and believed the message of the gospel and finally,

3. Being an example to others in the way we believe (v. 7).

The way they accepted and believed the gospel was exemplary. Their testimony was an example (model) in other provinces. They had imitated Paul and his team, but now they, as a church, were a model for other believers. This implies that they were also active in communicating the gospel to others and their lives showed true faith, sacrificial love for others, and hope at the coming of Christ. What an amazing church!

We must pray that we become this kind of believer in Christ, that we become this type of church. I admit that I am often disappointed by the Church in general. Our testimony is appalling. People do not see that we are converted to the Lord because frankly, many are not. Many pretend or are not growing. People go to our worship meetings find inside what they do not lack in the world: lack of love, rivalry, gossip, selfishness, and even immorality. In spite of this, I am thankful that we have many that live the truth of God and are genuinely converted to Christ.

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Perfil de un servidor de Dios – 1 Tesalonicenses 2:1-16

Perfil de un servidor de Dios – 1 Tesalonicenses 2:1-16

Este capítulo es una defensa de su carácter (al igual que el de sus colaboradores) como servidor de Dios. La razón por la cual lo hace es porque aparentemente se habían levantado ataques contra Pablo de parte de judíos y griegos (aparte de la persecución que experimentó y el cargo falso de causar alboroto y traición contra el gobierno). Estos personajes trataron de desacreditar a Pablo diciendo que el era un charlatán cuya intención era ganancias personales (dinero, lo material) y que solo pretendía ser un “servidor de Dios”. De este tipo de personas había muchos en Tesalónica y en el mundo de ese entonces. El propósito de esto no solo era desacreditar a Pablo sino destruir la fe de los Tesalonicenses. El Enemigo es muy astuto y sabe que cuando la obra de Dios se lleva a cabo y da fruto es un peligro para el reino de las tinieblas. Hará lo posible de desacreditar la obra de Dios atacando a sus líderes.

Temo que este capítulo es muy aplicable hoy día. ¿Cuántos hombres y mujeres dicen ser de Dios y tienen motivaciones incorrectas, viven contrario a la verdad de Dios y están aprovechándose de las personas? Aprenderemos del ejemplo de Pablo que un servidor de Dios tiene la motivación correcta al servir a otros, se conduce de acuerdo a la verdad del evangelio y es ejemplo de lo que predica. Los resultados en las personas muestran la evidencia de que es obra de Dios y no de hombres.


                                            Audio (arriba)
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Three virtues of a Christian

Paul (along with Silvanus and Timothy) in 1 Thessalonians 1 prays without ceasing “before God” for the virtues that believers in Thessalonica had shown when they converted to Christ.  Paul mentions for the first time in his writings (this letter was one of the first) the three cardinal virtues of a convert or christian.
Let’s ask ourselves how these three virtues are true in us. 

1. Your faith “your work of faith” (v. 3a)
Paul gives thanks for the evidence of Thessalonians’ faith. In other words, their faith was true because it bore fruit. Faith without works is dead. This is what James teaches. Faith produces good works, but good works do not produce faith. A true convert shows evidence of his faith.

2. Your love “and labor of love” v. 3b
In addition, the Thessalonians showed a deep love for others. Their love was evident to the point of tiredness and sacrifice. This was evidence that they were truly converted to Christ. This love is what we call “agape”. It is a word that christians took from the Greek language to refer to the love of God. This is the love he gives to us when we come to believe in Christ. This love is not based on emotions or appearances. It is based on sacrifice. It is shown in actions. The Thessalonians showed it to the point of exhaustion. Love is really the convincing mark of a christian.

3. Your hope “steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ” v. 3c
Finally, Paul gives thanks for their steadfastness in the “in hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.” This means that despite the difficulties that were going on, they remained constant in the hope that the Lord would come (the other way to read it is that their faith, love, and hope are carried out “in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ”). 

Generally, it is in hard situations, in pain, in suffering that those who truly believe or do not believe in Christ will show in whom their hope rests. It will tell who are faithful and who are not; who are mature and those who are not mature in the faith. Despite the short time of being believers and the intense tribulation that had been unleashed (read Acts 17), the Thessalonians showed their faith, love, and hope in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Someone said, “Faith looks to the past of the Crucified Savior. Love looks up at the Crowned Savior. Hope Looks to the Coming Savior.” – Quoted in the commentary of 1-2 Thessalonians by D. Edmond Hiebert, p. 51
How are these three virtues in your life?

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El Perfil de un Convertido a Cristo – 1 Tesalonicences 1

El Perfil de un Convertido a Cristo – 1 Tesalonicences 1


En el primer capítulo, Pablo da gracias en oración por la conversión de los Tesalonicenses. Este agradecimiento se debe a las virtudes cristianas que ellos ejemplifican (v. 3), por el hecho de que Dios los eligió (vv. 4-5), cómo ellos respondieron a esta elección (vv. 6-7) y por la manera en que han mostrado que son convertidos a Cristo (vv. 8-10). Estos creyentes, relativamente nuevos en la fe, son ejemplo para nosotros mostrándonos un perfil de uno que se ha convertido a Cristo. ¿Porqué es importante esto? Porque nos asegura que somos cristianos según lo que enseña la Biblia y nos da instrucción que necesitamos para seguir a Cristo fielmente.


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Cuando lo que Dios hace nos Parece Malo – Jonás 4

Hay muchas cosas que Dios hace tanto en nuestras vidas, a nuestro alrededor, en nuestro país y mundo que no nos parece; quizás nos parezca mal. Hasta que estemos en la presencia del Señor, entenderemos mucho más lo que Dios hace. Por ahora, tenemos que confiar que lo que Él hace es siempre bueno y consistente con su carácter.  Esto es lo que aprenderemos hay al terminar el libro de Jonás.


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La Misericordia Salvadora de Dios – Jonás 3

Dios es soberano en cuanto a quienes el quiere usar (Jonás) para comunicar su mensaje las personas que el quiere salvar (las personas en Nínive). Hay personas que tienen influencia como líderes (el rey) que Dios también usa para mostrar la severidad del pecado. En última instancia, Dios es el que obra y muestras su gran misericordia, compasión y gracia al salvar a aquellos que no lo merecen.


Esto es lo que aprendemos en Jonás el capítulo 3. Hay tres puntos importantes que miramos sobre la misericordia salvadora de Dios.


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Oración de Salvación y Gratitud – Jonás 1:17-2:1-10

En este capítulo miramos la oración de gratitud de Jonás hacia el Señor por haberle salvado del peligro de la muerte que vino como consecuencia de su desobediencia. Dios le ha salvado usando a un pez. Desde el vientre del pez, Jonás expresa su oración con un salmo, usando metáforas que describen el peligro de muerte en que estaba, cómo el Señor le escuchó y le rescató por su misericordia. Termina expresando solidaridad a Dios por lo que ha hecho en su vida. Dios escucha su oración y le saca a tierra para que cumpla lo que le ha mandado. 
Este capítulo nos enseña que Dios en su misericordia nos escucha en nuestros tiempos de angustia. Algunos de estos tiempos vienen por nuestra culpa. Sin embargo, Dios nos enseña y nos da esperanza en esos momentos hasta que podemos salir de ellos (no siempre lo hará). Esto nos debe llevar a ser fieles y devotos a Él que nos muestra misericordia y gracia. Dios es el Dios de nuestra salvación, la salvación eterna.
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