Serie de Sermones: Colosenses

Sermones del libro de Colosenses. Videos aquí.

Creciendo en Cristo Colosenses 1.1_14 -mp3.mp3

La Preeminencia de Cristo sobre su Creación y su Iglesia Colosenses 1.15_23-mp3.mp3

Compartiendo el Misterio de Cristo Col.1:24_2.5-mp3.mp3

Llamados a una Vida Cristo Céntrica Colosenses 2.6_15.mp3

Quitando lo que estorba en la vida Cristo-Céntrica Col 3.5_11.mp3

Ropa nueva.col 3.12_17.mp3

La Vida Cristo-Céntrica en las Relaciones Colosenses 3.18_4.1.mp3

La Vida Cristo-Céntrica y el Testimonio Afuera.mp3

Video sermones en Youtube

<span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links">Posted in</span> Colosense, Colosenses 1:15, Colosenses 1:24, Colosenses 2:1-5, Colosenses 2:11-15, Colosenses 3:18-4:1, Colosenses 4:2-18 | <span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-tag-links">Tagged</span> , , , , | 1 Comment

Serie de Sermones: Efesios

Sermones de Efesios, audio abajo. Videos pulsando aquí.

Efesios 1

Efesios 2

Efesios 3

Efesios 4

El_Matrimonio_Si_Importa.mp3 (parte Efesios 5)

El Deber de los Hijos y Padres Efesios 6.mp3

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Velando hasta la Venida de Cristo – 1 Tesalonicenses 5:1-11

La esperanza nuestra no está en un país con un gobierno cristiano o que apoye nuestros valores. La esperanza nuestra está en nuestro Señor que vendrá otra vez por su iglesia y que vendrá en gloria a reclamar lo que le pertenece: todo. A Él le pertenece el mundo y su plenitud.

El vendrá también a juzgar a los que no han creído en Él. El pasaje anterior nos habla del rapto de la iglesia que da inicio al día del Señor. Ahora Pablo se enfoca en lo que sucederá el día del Señor después del rapto, el aspecto que trata sobre el juicio. Esto sucede durante el periodo que la Escritura llama la “Gran Tribulación” sobre esta Tierra (Apoc. 6-18) y culmina con la Venida del Señor en Gloria (Apoc.19:11–21. Nuestro Señor enseño sobre estos eventos en Mateo 24-25. Los eventos los describe como los “dolores de parto” que vendrán sobre esta Tierra antes del día del Señor. Hay tres características que distinguen este día (de acuerdo a William Barclay citado por D. Edmond Hiebert y modificados):

1. Será de repente y sin anticipación
2. Envolverá un tiempo de turbulencia cósmica en el cuál la Tierra será movido hasta sus cimientos
3. Será un día de juicio para los no creyentes

Para nosotros los creyentes, aunque el aspecto del día del Señor no aplica a nosotros, saber que el Señor viene por nosotros su iglesia debe igualmente llevarnos a velar. Hay cuatro exhortaciones que nos ayudan a velar: la venida del Señor es incierta en cuanto al tiempo (vv. 1-2), el no estar listos trae consecuencias especialmente en aquellos que no conocen a Cristo (v. 3), somos hijos de luz y debemos vivir como hijos de luz/del día estando alertas de su venida (vv. 4-10) y animarnos y edificarnos con estas verdades (v. 11).


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Esperanza después de la muerte

En 1 Tesalonicenses 4, Pablo da tres declaraciones o verdades y una declaración de aplicación que podemos saber acerca de nuestra esperanza futura en medio de la muerte (y toda la tragedia humana que podemos imaginar) y la separación humana de nuestros seres queridos y por qué no ha terminado para nosotros.

La primera razón por la que da es que sabemos que nuestra esperanza futura no está limitada por la muerte. Podemos saber lo que viene después de la muerte:

“Tampoco queremos, hermanos, que ignoréis acerca de los que duermen”

Pablo comienza a tratar el tema que estaba afectando la vida de los tesalonicenses diciendo que no quiere que no estén informados. Esto es algo que pueden saber y deben conocer como creyentes en Cristo. El tono es el del afecto.

El se refiere a “los que duermen”. Este es un eufemismo para aquellos que han muerto en medio de ellos, tal vez matados debido a su fe. 2 Corintios 5:1 dice que “nuestra tienda o morada”, nuestro cuerpo es temporal, pero una vez que muere permanece en la tierra y se convierte en polvo de donde vino. Pero nuestro espíritu, nuestro ser espiritual, lo que somos como persona inmaterial va a estar con el Señor (2 Corintios 5:8). Nuestros cuerpos están “durmiendo” esperando la resurrección.
Esta es la razón por la que Pablo usa la palabra “duermen” para los que han muerto.

Aunque tal vez no estemos en una situación similar, tal vez estemos seguros de que nuestros seres queridos que creyeron en Cristo están con Él en este momento, debería alentarnos a que la muerte no trae la separación final entre ellos y nosotros mismos. Tenemos una esperanza futura. Pero la mejor parte de esto es que nuestra esperanza futura es que el Señor regresará por nosotros y seremos parte del recogimiento (el rapto) de todos los creyentes de todos los tiempos (estemos aquí o no). Participaremos de la resurrección de los muertos cuando nuestros cuerpos se transformen a imagen de Cristo. Esta es nuestra esperanza futura en la segunda Venida de Cristo.

Pablo también afirma que no lloramos como aquellos sin esperanza.
“para que no os entristezcáis como los otros que no tienen esperanza” (v. 13b)

Debido a que tenemos esta esperanza, no debemos entristecernos como “los otros que no tienen esperanza”. Es posible que los tesalonicenses creyeran que los que habían muerto iban a perder la venida de Cristo de alguna manera. Pablo les enseñó que Jesús regresaría pronto y que sería un gran reencuentro con él. Pablo creía que sería en su vida y esto creó un sentido de urgencia al anunciar el Evangelio. Los tesalonicenses pensaron que los que murieron no serían parte de este gran reencuentro maravilloso. Paul corrige esto.

Lloramos cuando nuestros seres queridos mueren, pero no sin esperanza.
Al igual que hoy, en aquellos tiempos, muchos no creían en la vida después de la muerte. Aquí hay una marca de tumba típica que refleja que:

Yo no era
Yo fui
Yo no soy
No me importa

Algunos tenían otras ideas sobre lo que sucedía después de la muerte, desde creer en la reencarnación hasta la idea de vagar por el mundo como un ser espíritu. Como creyentes tenemos la esperanza de la resurrección cuando el Señor venga por nosotros. Le estaba diciendo a mi hija esta semana después de hablar de una canción, que quiero tener una banda de adoración en mi funeral y que todos estén felices porque no es el final. No es “adiós” sino “nos vemos pronto”. Además de esto, estar ausente del cuerpo, significa estar presente con el Señor. Mi vida en Cristo continúa después de la muerte. No lloramos ni nos entristecemos sin esperanza. Tenemos esperanza más allá de la muerte.

Recuerdo que cuando era muy joven solía pensar en la muerte. “¿Qué pasa después de la muerte?” me preguntaba. “¿Qué le va a pasar a mi mamá?” Pensaba dentro de mí.  Me resultaba difícil creer que la muerte fuera el fin de nuestra existencia. No podía aceptar esto. A la edad de trece años escuché el Evangelio y creí en Jesús como mi Señor y Salvador. Mi miedo se esfumó. Encontré esperanza.

¿Tienes esta esperanza? ¿Han confiado en Él como su Salvador?

También podemos decir que tenemos esperanza más allá de la muerte porque sabemos que nuestra esperanza futura está arraigada en la resurrección de Cristo.  La resurrección garantiza nuestra eterna unión con Él
Porque si creemos que Jesús murió y resucitó” v. 14a

La base de nuestra seguridad de la esperanza que tenemos más allá de la muerte está arraigada en la resurrección de Cristo. La resurrección de nuestro Señor de acuerdo con lo que Pablo enseñó 1 Corintios 15 es la esencia del Evangelio y es el fundamento de nuestra fe. Es una realidad histórica no una creencia mística sin ninguna sustancia. Jesús murió en la cruz por nuestros pecados, se levantó de la tumba y pagó nuestra deuda que le debíamos a Dios. Cuando se levantó de entre los muertos, y creímos en Él, nos dio la vida eterna. Nuestra vida está ahora unida en el Cristo resucitado. Nunca puede haber una separación de Él.

En Romanos 14:8-9 Pablo dijo así,
“Pues si vivimos, para el Señor vivimos; y si morimos, para el Señor morimos. Así pues, sea que vivamos, o que muramos, del Señor somos.
Porque Cristo para esto murió y resucitó, y volvió a vivir, para ser Señor así de los muertos como de los que viven.” En otras palabras, una vez que perteneces a Jesús, tu unión con él nunca termina. Es eterna ya sea que estés en un cuerpo o no.

Y aquí está el punto práctico que Pablo hace: la resurrección garantiza que si mueres antes de que Él venga volverás con Él.
así también traerá Dios con Jesús a los que durmieron en él” v. 14b

Esto es alentador para aquellos de nosotros que hemos “perdido” a alguien que murió en Cristo. Pablo les dice a los tesalonicenses que aquellos que son creyentes “por medio de Jesús” estarán con Él cuando regrese. No se perderán de este gran acontecimiento histórico.

Si mueren antes de que Cristo venga, se les garantiza que serán parte del gran reencuentro familiar con Él. Ese serás tu si ya no estás aquí. Ya estarás con Él, pero volverás con Él. Algo más sucede después de esto. Hablaré en el próximo post.

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Our hope beyond death

In 1 Thessalonians 4, Paul gives three statements or truths and one statement of application that we can know about our future hope in the midst of death (and all of human tragedy that we can imagine) and human separation from our loved ones and why it isn’t over for us.

The first reason he gives is that we know our future hope is not limited by death. We can know what comes after death:
“But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about those who are asleep” v. 13a

Paul begins to deal with the issue that was affecting the Thessalonians life by saying that he does not want them to be “uninformed”. This is something they can know and should know as believers in Christ. The tone is that of affection.

What is it that they should not be uniformed? It is about “those who are sleep”. This is a euphemism for those who have died in their midst perhaps killed because of their faith. 2 Corinthians 5:1 says that “our tent”, or our body is temporary but once it dies it stays on the ground and turns to dust where it came from. But our spirit, our spiritual being, who we are as an immaterial person goes to be with the Lord (2 Corinthians 5:8). Our bodies are “sleeping”, waiting for the resurrection.
This is why Paul uses the word “sleep” for those who have died.

Paul also affirms that we don’t grieve as those without hope. 
“that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope.” (v. 13b)

Because we have this hope, we should not “grieve as others do who have no hope”. It is possible that the Thessalonians believed that those who had died were going to miss the coming of Christ somehow. They were taught by Paul that Jesus was coming back soon and it would be great reunion with him. Paul believed it would be in his lifetime and this created a sense of urgency in proclaiming the Gospel. The Thessalonians thought that those that died would not be part of this great marvelous reunion. Paul corrects this.

We grieve when our loved ones die, but not without hope.
Much like today, in those times, many did not believe in life after death. Here is a typical grave marking that reflects that:
I was not
I became
I am not
I care not – (From “Be Commentary” by Warren Wiersbe)

Some had other ideas about what happened after death, from believing in reincarnation to the idea of roaming the world as a disembodied spirit being. As believers we have the hope of the resurrection when the Lord comes for us. I was telling my daughter this week after talking about a song, that I want to have a worship band in my funeral and everyone being happy because it’s not the end. It’s not “goodbye” but “see you in a little while”. Besides this, being absent from the body, means present with the Lord. My life in Christ continues after death. We don’t grieve without hope. We have hope beyond death.

I remember when I was really young I used to think about death. “What happens after death?” I thought. “What’s going to happen to my mom?” I thought to myself.  I found it hard to believe that death was the end of our existence. I could not accept this. At the age of thirteen I heard the Gospel and believed in Jesus as my Lord and Savior. My fear was gone. I found hope.

Do you have this hope? Have you trusted in Him as your Savior?

We can say also that we have hope beyond death because we know our future hope is rooted in the resurrection of Christ.  The resurrection guarantees our eternal union with Him
For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again” v. 14a

The basis of our assurance of the hope we have beyond death is rooted in the resurrection of Christ. The resurrection of our Lord according to what Paul taught 1 Corinthians 15 is the essence of the Gospel and it is the foundation of our faith. It is a historical reality as well not some mystical belief without any substance. Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose from the grave. He paid our debt that we owed God. When he rose from the dead, and we believed in Him he gave us eternal life. Our life is now united in the resurrected Christ. There can never be a separation from Him.

In Romans 14:8-9 Paul said this way,
“If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord. 9 For this very reason, Christ died and returned to life so that he might be the Lord of both the dead and the living.” In other words, once you belong to Jesus, your union with him never ends. It is eternal whether you are in a body or not.

And here is the practical point Paul makes: the resurrection guarantees that if you die before He comes you will come back with Him.
“even so, through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep.” v. 14b

This is encouraging for those of us who have lost someone who died in Christ. Paul tells the Thessalonians that those who are believers “through Jesus” will be with Him when He comes back. They are not missing this great historical event.

If you die before Christ comes you are guaranteed that you will be part of the great family reunion with Him. You will be already with Him but you will come back with Him. Something else happens which I will talk about in the next post.

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Why we don’t talk about the Second Coming of Christ

Paul in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18-5:11 talks about the Lord’s second coming. Yet, nowadays, we don’t talk about it often. I can think of  several reasons we don’t talk about or even teach about the Second Coming of the Lord as our hope.

1. We are too busy with our lives here on earth. We want to work, have a family, live a long life and then Jesus can come. We come to the point that we don’t really believe he is coming again, at least not in our life time (this argument is debunked by Peter in 2 Peter 3:3-9). I am guilty of this way of rationalizing away the Second Coming of our Lord.

J. Oswald Sanders, in his book Certainties of the Second Coming, says that the coming of Christ is mentioned in the Bible more than any other certainty. It appears 318 times. In spite of these facts, Sanders affirms that the Second Coming does not appear necessary or motivating for Christians today, as it was in the first century. Early Christians who were suffering saluted each other with “Maranatha”, meaning “the Lord is coming”, because to them the reality of Christ’s coming was assured and certain. J. Oswald Sanders, Certainties of Christ’s Coming (Wheaton, Ill.: Harold Shaw Pub., 1974), p. 7.

2. It is too controversial. This deals with the theology of the “Last Things” or Eschatology and there are so many views so we just don’t want to get into it. “It’s too complicated” we say.

3. It has been abused, mainly by religious leaders who have predicted the Second Coming of Christ. One of the most recent predictions was in 2011 and of course, it didn’t come to pass. When this happens, it makes us look discredited when we speak about it even though the Lord said, no one knew his coming.

4. It’s become sensationalized as part of the End of the World. It has become a scary and fearful thing.

Yet, we see in 1 Thessalonians that Paul taught the church he founded there. From the beginning they were instructed that the Lord would come soon, possibly in their lifetime. Paul knew that the Coming of the Lord was not some trivial teaching or doctrine. It was his motivation for living a holy life and gave him the sense of urgency to proclaim the Gospel of Christ. This was the hope he had and the church had.

What has happening in Thessalonaica that Paul had to give them two paragraphs (this one here and the first eleven verses of chapter 5) of instructions concerning their dead and the hope of the Second Coming of Christ? What is the relationship between these two?  Paul explains that they have a certain future hope even after death. They can know that this future hope is tied to what will happen when the Lord comes. This should bring encouragement in the midst of the loss of their loved ones.

Though we may not be in a similar situation, perhaps we are certain that our loves who believed in Christ are with Him right now, it should encourage us that death does not bring final separation between them and ourselves. We have a future hope. But the best part of this is that our future hope is the Lord coming back for us and how we will be part of the gathering of all believers of all time (whether we are here or not). We will partake of the resurrection from the dead when our bodies will be transformed in the image of Christ. This is our future hope in the second Coming of Christ.
The Lord Jesus promised he would come again to take us with him, so that where he is, we should be there too.

It is interesting how some people want to be part of a movie and be seen by others even if it is as an extra. They will watch a movie just to say, “Hey, that’s me right there in the background sitting.” They may be barely visible but they feel proud. We are part of God’s Redemptive plan for the ages. Imagine that. You. Me. We are part of something greater that a movie. All those who know Jesus as their Savior and Lord are part of His Gospel Story. Does this not excite you?

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God’s Providence: Prayers from the book of Ruth

Studying and teaching (in Spanish for our congregation) the book of Ruth showed me clearly how God’s Providence moves and weaves in our lives. I wrote a transcript of each sermon in form of a book in Spanish of them which includes a prayer as an application for my life after each chapter. I have translated the prayers in English. As you read each chapter in the book of Ruth, meditate on God’s Providence and then pray these prayers. If you are interested about this topic, I hear there is a new book from a popular pastor that deals with this topic in thorough way.

I Trust in Your Providence

Ruth 1

Lord, I acknowledge that you rule and direct everything and everyone
in a way that I cannot see or understand.
I know that you do it in my
life to show me your infallible love (hesed) and help me to fulfill your
There are circumstances, difficult situations, tragedies and other
experiences that will come into my life that will make me doubt that
you are with me or that you have abandoned me.
Help me not to lose hope or to fill my heart with bitterness thinking that you are guilty
of  what is happening to me.
Don’t let me believe that your powerful
hand has been raised against me.
Help me to refuse thinking that you
have condemned me as the judge and you have put me through
Do not let me lose my hope in you my God Shadai
I pray that at this moment you will help me to trust in your
infallible love (chesed) based on the new covenant that you have made
through the blood of my Lord Jesus Christ.
I trust your providence
without fear because I know that you are with me.
Thank you that my future is secure in you and that everything that
happens in my life will work for my eternal good. Amen.

Help me to be a generous Christian

Ruth 2

Lord, thank you for the kindness you have shown me in many tangible ways.
In your providence you allow me to have times of abundance to help others and times of need to receive help.
Help me to be attentive to the people that you put in my life that need help.
Nothing that happens in my life, nor any person in my life is a coincidence.
Everything is directed by your providence.
I recognize you as the source of blessing for all that I possess.
I am your steward of all that you have allowed me to have.
This is why I must be generous without seeking an interest for myself.
I want to express the kindness that I have received from you to other people that you put in my life being generous and hospitable.
Show me the opportunities to do this.
I pray that the people I help can see your kind hand through me.

May they express appreciation to you, to be diligent in caring for what you have given them, and to learn to express your goodness to others in tangible ways. Amen.

Guide my plans

Ruth 3

Lord, may all my plans I have seek not my own interests but the interest of those that you have put in my life.
I know that some plans require risk and that I should not fear as long as I do it considering the values ​​of your kingdom.
Help me also to act with moral and spiritual integrity.
May my integrity be demonstrated in my prudence and discretion at all decisions.
Help me to have moral integrity by not letting my sinful desires dominate me and lead me to make wrong decisions.
I want to be honest in all areas of my life, taking care that everything I do or say reflects your moral purity.
I want to be morally scrupulous and avoid being carried away by culture or my own bad desires.
I pray that you help me to live your Truth revealed in the Bible.
May I be rooted and grounded in it depending on it in all my decisions.
Help me to be patient and wait on you when I need guidance in my plans and decisions.
I acknowledge that you are working in my life behind the scenes and that you will fulfill your plan in my life.
You are sovereign over my life! Amen.

My Redeemer

Ruth 4

Lord, no matter what situation I am in, you are my redeemer, the one who rescues my life. Through your providence you will carry out your will in me.
I recognize that you are always working providentially in my situations even in those that are small in my life.
Help me to trust your direction and be guided by your Truth.
I know that your plans are not my plans and that there will be obstacles that will arise and can make me doubt your providence.
Give me faith to believe in you and to act trusting in your providence.
Let my trust in your providence be a witness to those who see my life, especially the community of faith in which you have placed me.
May they affirm what you have done in my life and give you praise.
I thank you for my Redeemer, my Lord Jesus Christ who gave everything to rescue me from eternal ruin.
Thank you that through him I now have a relationship with God the Father and an incorruptible inheritance reserved in heaven.

While I am on this Earth allow me to share with others what you have done in me through Jesus Christ. Amen.



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Nuestra Esperanza Futura y la Venida del Señor – 1 Tesalonicenses 4:13-18

Tenemos una esperanza futura. Pero la mejor parte de esto es que nuestra esperanza futura es que el Señor regresará por nosotros y seremos parte del recogimiento (el rapto) de todos los creyentes de todos los tiempos (estemos aquí o no). Participaremos de la resurrección de los muertos cuando nuestros cuerpos se transformen a imagen de Cristo. Esta es nuestra esperanza futura en la segunda Venida de Cristo. El Señor Jesús prometió que volvería a llevarnos con él, para que donde él esté, también estuviéramos allí.

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Our Future Hope and the Coming of the Lord – 1 Thessalonians 3:11-18

We have a future hope. But the best part of this is that our future hope is the Lord coming back for us and how we will be part of the gathering of all believers of all time (whether we are here or not). We will partake of the resurrection from the dead when our bodies will be transformed in the image of Christ. This is our future hope in the second Coming of Christ.
The Lord Jesus promised he would come again to take us with him, so that where he is, we should be there too.

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Pleasing God by abstaining from Sexual Immorality

“For this is God’s will: that you become holy, that you keep away from sexual immorality” 1 Thessalonians 4:3

God’s will for our lives is our “sanctification” and this involves that we abstain from sexual immorality.  The word “sanctification” is misused in our times. It does not mean being “holy” in the sense of being completely perfect and canonized (declared a saint by a religious institution). Sanctification is a process in which our lives increasingly align with God’s truth or is more like the Lord Jesus Christ. He is a mirror of perfection that we must look at. God’s will is for us to be ever more holy, more like Jesus.

This concept is taken by Paul of the Old Testament. Certain utensils, such as a chandelier, were used in the temple. Once that chandelier was taken (after it was made) and put in the temple, it could not be used anywhere else. Its use was exclusively for the temple. It was holy or dedicated only to God.

When the Lord saved us, He freed us and brought us out of the vain and meaningless way of living. He washed and cleansed us with his blood and dedicated us to Him. After this, our lives are dedicated only to Him. The problem is that we have attitudes and behaviors that we did before that were part of our previous way of living. We must be stripped of them to be more holy or dedicated to the Lord.

There are certain areas in our lives, common to all, that cause more temptation to us and if we practice them, don’t help us please God. One very obvious to all of us is the area of sexuality. It’s perhaps the most prevalent in our culture. It is the one that dominates it. Everything and everyone in our world is affected by sexuality. It affects everyone regardless of age because people learned it since childhood from everything around them. Sexual immorality is an epidemic that infiltrates every aspect of our lives.

The Thessalonians (and even more cultures before) also lived in a culture where sexual immorality was normalized in many ways as we see it even today in our culture. It was part of religious worship of the gods. Many of the believers in Thessalonaica, especially men who had more “freedom,” had come out of this culture, but it was still a daily danger because it appealed to their sinful desires.

The word “fornication” is “porneia” and is broad terms in its meaning. Its meaning implies premarital, extramarital (adultery), pornography and any sexual expression or diversion that does not involve a man and a woman within the bounds of marriage.

The Lord’s command in this area is to abstain. The word “abstain” means in the original, “to stay away, to avoid”. They had to avoid using self-control. But it is clear to the believer that self-control is the fruit of the Holy Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23). We cannot conquer our lustful desires and immorality with our efforts. It is not possible because we were born with a nature inclined to these desires.

The application for us is obvious. If you are a believer and you are practicing any of these immoral acts, the Lord commands you to stop doing so and abstain. This is not his will, nor does he approve it. Do not seek to rationalize it because there is no place for it in his will.

For the believer who has been taken out of the world of sin, God’s will is his concern. And the truth is that when God is taken out from people’s lives, God gives them  over to their own desires which lead to all kinds of moral deviation according to Romans 1. This opens the door to all kinds of immorality like the one we’re seeing in the United States right now. There’s no limit.

This should not surprise us. William Barclay said, “The new morality is only the old updated”.

Sexual immorality is not a sexual problem but a spiritual one. This is why the Lord tells us to abstain because it does not help us in our process of sanctification or being like Christ. Today there are “Christians” who have come to rationalize certain acts that are flatly rejected as a sin in Scripture. Their lives do not please God as long as they practice them because it is not their will. These people live lives having been swept away by the sexual current of this world that has normalized and legalized immorality. The world applauds them for their “spiritual progressiveness.” But before God the command will never cease to resound,

“this is God’s will: that you become holy, that you keep away from sexual immorality”

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