Teniendo en grande estima y amor a nuestros líderes

Pablo en 1 Tesalonicenses 5:13 ruega a la iglesia no solo a que honren a sus líderes sino que les tengan en grande estima y amor.
“y que los tengáis en mucha estima y amor por causa de su obra” (v. 13)

Esto quiere decir que la iglesia les da el valor que merecen debido a su trabajo que llevan a cabo en la iglesia. Lo hacen reconociendo que su trabajo en el Señor es de mucho valor. Tiene valor porque el Señor les ha dado este trabajo. Pero también tiene valor porque ayudan las vidas espirituales de los miembros de la iglesia. Este trabajo es de supremo valor porque guían a otros a Cristo.

La iglesia debe también estimarles con amor debido a su trabajo. La iglesia debe amar a sus líderes que le sirven. Este amor se demuestra en las actitudes y las acciones hacia ellos. Nuestras actitudes hacia ellos deben ser una de aceptación y recibimiento. Nuestras acciones, cómo les hablamos, lo que hablamos de ellos a otros, cómo les tratamos debe mostrar amor. El amor se muestra siendo intencional en el trato. Puedo decir que sin duda que los líderes aprecian esto.

Cuando mostramos amor a nuestros lideres, hace que el trabajo de ellos sea placentero aun cuando ellos tengan que amonestarnos. Una iglesia que no ama a sus lideres que son fieles al llamado de Dios, no están honrando al Señor que los ha llamado.

Puedo decir confiadamente que nuestra iglesia es amorosa con sus líderes. No solo esto sino que lo muestran a las personas que nos visitan, a nuestros miembros y visitantes. Como todo, ha habido y habrá algunos que vendrán a nuestras iglesias con una actitud equivocada hacia los líderes y aun hacia los miembros. Estos se enfocan en sí mismos y no en agradar al Señor. Vemos su falta de amor cuando hacen daño a todos. El amor siempre trata de creer lo mejor en otras personas, edifica a otros, y no trata de dañarlas en ninguna manera.

Pablo insta a la iglesia a mantener una relación pacífica. 
“Tened paz entre vosotros” (v. 13)

Para los líderes no siempre es fácil mantener la paz cuando hay personas difíciles.
Pero el llamado a mantener la paz es importante. C.H. Spurgeon le respondió a alguien que tenía dificultad con un diácono diciéndole:
“Soporta. Soporta. Se paciente. Se paciente. Se paciente. Desistir es derrota. Peléa al diablo y ama al diácono-ámalo hasta que sea adorable.”

Como líderes debemos amar y luchar por mantener la paz.

Pero también cuando la iglesia muestra honor, respeto, estima y amor a sus líderes habrá paz en la iglesia. Esto sucede porque los líderes también promueven la paz unos a otros.
Esta paz debe mantenerse.

Pero esto implica también mantener la paz unos a otros. Es el deber de todos nosotros mantener la paz en la iglesia.

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Honoring and respecting leaders of the church

The church must honor and respect its leaders who serve her. This is what Paul teaches in 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13. These leaders vary from church to church, some receive remuneration some do not. Some serve as volunteers and others serve as church employees. Regardless, Paul’s teaching applies.

The church must do so by showing an attitude of honor and respect. Paul begins in the same way as chapter 4, begging them, “we ask you, brothers and sisters.” Paul could have used his authority to command, but he doesn’t. He does so by appealing to his relationship with them. He knew they would do it without a doubt. He asks this from everyone and not just a particular group. All “brothers and sisters” in Christ have this obligation. It is quite possible that he had established these leaders in Thessalonaica as this was his custom (see Acts 14:21-23).

They were to show an attitude of honor and respect for them by recognizing those who served:
“to give recognition to those who labor among you and lead you in the Lord and admonish you.”

The word “recognize” means “to know.” The idea is to recognize them as the leaders they are and give them the honor they deserve. The attitude they deserve is one of honor and respect.

How is this honor and respect demonstrated?  The first thing is to recognize his position given by God. Second, submitting and following their lead. This implies that they should accept what they have been called to do.

This recognition or honor is because of what Paul immediately mentions. You must give them this honor and respect because of their work in the church. There are three aspects of their ministerial work for which they must be recognized:

  1. They serve spiritually: “who labor among you”

These leaders are not the foremen control and command people. This is not biblical leadership. These leaders Paul mentions “labor” or serve until they are exhausted. It is possible that these leaders worked in manual jobs apart from the work of church service. Pastoral work is exhausting as it entails several aspects: spiritual pastoral work that involves teaching, leading and admonition. This work requires diligence, effort, and patience. It requires helping the church live a life that pleases the Lord. They are the ones that carry the burdens of the people they shepherd.

        2. Preside over or lead in the Lord: “and lead you in the Lord”

These who serve also carry out the direction and leadership of the church. They lead “in the Lord.” The church is not a company, but the Lord’s church. The leader first duty is to follow the Lord. Then the direction they give comes from the Lord, not from them. They do not lead in their own way, but in the Lord’s way. They lead this in all spiritual aspects. They lead the church by shepherding, which involves leading them in the Lord’s way, caring for them and protecting them spiritually. This work is not easy the church is made up of several types of people as we will look later.

         3. Correct the church: “and admonish you”

The role of leaders is to warn or admonish. The word “admonish” means “to put in the mind.” The idea is that the leader puts in the minds of others what they are doing wrong and that they must correct it. This is also not easy as there are people who don’t like to be corrected. But this is the role of the leader. Not only should they correct when someone does something that is not according to the Word of God but must also warn when there is danger. They must give wise counsel.

I read an article that talked about the fact that evangelical couples under the age of 40 who live together before marriage are increasing and they think this is right. He said the pastors didn’t know what to do. Some even stopped doing ceremonies to avoid it. They didn’t know what to do? Paul clearly tells us that the role of leaders is to warn. They must correct them with the truth of God. We have already looked at what he said about this in 1 Thessalonians chapter 4, the Lord’s instructions, God’s will is for them to live holy lives and refrain from sexual immorality.

These three roles are what leaders perform. Paul says that because of this, the church must show them an attitude of honor and respect.


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La iglesia debe honrar y respetar a sus líderes que le sirven

La iglesia debe honrar y respetar a sus líderes que le sirven. Esto es lo que enseña Pablo en 1 Tesalonicenses 5:12-13. Estos líderes varían de iglesia en iglesia, algunos reciben remuneración algunos no. Algunos sirven como voluntarios y otros como empleados de la iglesia. De igual manera, la enseñanza de Pablo aplica.

Lo debe hace mostrando una actitud de honor y respeto. Pablo comienza de la misma manera que el capítulo 4, rogándoles,“Os rogamos, hermanos”. Pablo podía usar su autoridad para mandar pero no lo hace. Lo hace apelando a su relación que tenía con ellos. Al rogarles sabía que ellos lo harían sin lugar a duda. El pide esto a todos y no solo a un grupo en particular. Todos los “hermanos” en Cristo tienen esta obligación. Es muy posible que él había establecido a estos líderes en Tesalónica ya que esta era su costumbre (mirar Hechos 14:21-23).

Ellos debían mostrar actitud de honor y respeto hacia ellos reconociendo a los que servían.
“que reconozcáis a los que trabajan entre vosotros y os presiden en el Señor y os amonestan”. La palabra “reconozcáis” significa “conocer”. La idea es de reconocerles como los líderes que son y darles el honor que merecen. La actitud que merecen es una de honor y respeto.

¿Cómo se demuestra este honor y respeto?
Lo primero es reconocer su posición dada por Dios. Segundo, sometiéndose y siguiendo su liderato. Esto implica que aceptan lo que han sido llamados a hacer.

Este reconocimiento u honor es debido a lo que Pablo menciona enseguida. Deben darles este honor y respeto debido a su trabajo que hacen en la iglesia. Hay tres aspectos de su trabajo ministerial por el cual ellos deben ser reconocidos.

  1. Ellos sirven espiritualmente: “trabajan entre vosotros”

Estos líderes no son los capataces, los que solo mandan controlan a la gente. Esto no es liderato bíblico. Estos líderes que Pablo menciona “trabajan” o sirven duramente hasta agotarse. Es posible que estos líderes trabajaban con sus manos aparte del trabajo del servicio a la iglesia. El trabajo pastoral es agotador ya que envuelve varias facetas: el servicio pastoral espiritual que envuelve enseñanza, pastoreo y amonestación del cual habla Pablo en seguida. Este trabajo requiere diligencia, esfuerzo, y paciencia. Requiere ayudar a la iglesia a vivir una vida que agrada al Señor. A menudo hay llevar todo tipo de cargas de las personas.

       2. Presiden o lideran en el Señor: “os presiden en el Señor”

Estos que sirven también llevan a cabo la dirección y el liderato de la iglesia. Ellos van al frente liderando “en el Señor”. Esto no es una compañía, sino la iglesia del Señor. El líder primero sigue al Señor. Luego la dirección que dan viene del Señor no de ellos. Ellos no dirigen a su manera, sino a la manera del Señor. Ellos lideran Esto en los aspectos espirituales. Lideran a la iglesia pastoreando, que envuelve dirigir por el camino del Señor y cuidar y proteger espiritualmente. Este trabajo no es fácil ya que en la iglesia hay varios tipos de personas como miraremos más adelante.

        3. Amonestan a la iglesia: “y os amonestan”

El rol de esto líderes es amonestar. La palabra “amonestar” significa “poner en mente”. La idea es que el líder pone en la mente de otros lo que están haciendo mal y que deben corregir. Esto también no es fácil ya que hay personas que no les gusta que los corrijan. Pero este es el rol del líder. No solo deben corregir cuando alguien hace algo que no es de acuerdo a la Palabra de Dios sino que también deben advertir cuando hay peligro. Debe dar consejo sabio.

Leía un artículo que hablába sobre el hecho que las parejas evangélicas de menos de 40 años que viven juntas antes del matrimonio está aumentando y piensan que esto es correcto. Decía que los pastores no sabían que hacer. Algunos hasta dejaron de hacer ceremonias. ¿No sabían que hacer? Pablo nos dice claramente que el rol de los líderes es amonestar. Deben corregirles con la verdad de Dios. Ya miramos lo que dijo respecto a esto en 1 Tesalonicenses capítulo 4, las instrucciones del Señor les dijo y la voluntad de Dios es que vivan santamente y se abstengan de la inmoralidad sexual.

Esto tres roles son los que los lideres llevan a cabo. Pablo dice que debido a esto, la iglesia debe mostrarles una actitud de honor y respeto.

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All Believers are Priests

The Bible teaches the doctrine we call “the priesthood of all believers.” What this teaches is that every believer is a “priest” before God (1 Peter 2:5, 2:9; Revelation 1:5-6; 5:9-10 and 20:6). Every believer has the same access to God through our Lord Jesus Christ. As priests we are called to be holy, to worship God, to interpret the scriptures, to intercede for others, and to share with others the gospel. Each is valuable in service to God and must have an active part in this service. The Lord’s church was not designed to have a hierarchical priesthood where the “laity” have a lower role. The role of the church depends not on the pastor or its leaders but on the members because we are all priests before God.

However, this does not eliminate the fact that the church has and should have leaders. Paul’s pattern in establishing churches was to appoint elders whose role was to shepherd, teach, direct, protect, and empower the church to carry out the mission of being and making disciples. In addition, there were servers or deacons that assisted in tangible service. In Ephesians 4:11-12 he tells us the leaders God has given his church to equip it and carry out God’s mission.

These “positions” (they are called “gifts” to the church in Ephesians 4:11-12) were not to do everything or be the elite. The purpose was to empower the entire church to perform the service or ministry of the Lord to which we have all been called.

“A correct understanding of the priesthood of believers traces an average path between individualism that leads to the arrogance and authoritarianism of the community that leads to the treatment of the individual as a puppet.” William Shurden, The Doctrine of the Priesthood of Believers, p. 139

All members have the active role of serving one another, of serving our community, of taking Christ’s message to people who do not know Him, and of building one another through discipleship as believers who are alert for the coming of Christ. Part of how we should live in our community of faith is specified by Paul in 1 Thessalonians 5:12-15.  We will look at this in the following blog posts.

For now let us reflect on our role as priests by asking ourselves these questions:

Knowing that you have access to God directly, are you taking time with the Lord to grow in your knowledge of Him?

As a priest of the Lord you have the privilege of reading and interpreting the scriptures. Are you taking time daily to study and apply them to your life?

How are you carrying out your role as a priest of the Lord in your church and community?

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El Sacerdocio de todos los Creyentes

La biblia enseña la doctrina que llamamos “el sacerdocio de todos los creyentes”. Lo que esto enseña es que cada creyente es un “sacerdote” delante de Dios (1 Pedro 2:5, 2:9; Apocalipsis 1:5-6; 5:9-10 y 20:6). Cada creyente tiene el mismo acceso a Dios a través de nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Como sacerdotes somos llamados a ser santos, a adorar a Dios, interpretar las Escrituras, a interceder por otros, y a compartir con otros el evangelio. Cada uno es valioso en el servicio a Dios y debe tener parte activa en este servicio. La iglesia del Señor no fue diseñada para tener un sacerdocio jerárquico donde los “laicos” tienen un rol inferior. La función de la iglesia no depende del pastor o sus líderes sino de los miembros ya que todos somos sacerdotes ante Dios.

Sin embargo esto no elimina el hecho que la iglesia tenga líderes. El patrón de Pablo al establecer iglesias era de tener ancianos cuyo rol era el de pastorear, enseñar, dirigir, proteger y capacitar a la iglesia para llevar a cabo la misión de ser y hacer discípulos. Además había servidores o diáconos que asistían en el servicio tangible. En Efesios 4:11-12 nos dice los líderes que Dios ha dado a su iglesia para equiparla y llevar a cabo la misión de Dios.

Estas “posiciones”(los llama dones a la iglesia en Efesios 4:11-12) no eran para hacer todo o ser la élite. El propósito era de capacitar a toda la iglesia para llevar a cabo el servicio o ministerio del Señor al cual todos hemos sido llamados.

“Una comprensión correcta del sacerdocio de los creyentes traza un camino medio entre el individualismo que conduce a la arrogancia y el autoritarismo de la comunidad que conduce al trato del individuo como un títere.” William Shurden, La Doctrina del Sacerdocio de los Creyentes, p. 139

Todos los miembros tenemos el rol activo en el servicio unos a otros, en el servicio a nuestra comunidad, en llevar el mensaje de Cristo a las personas que no le conocen, y en edificarnos unos a otros a través del discipulado como creyentes que velamos hasta la venida de Cristo. Parte de cómo debemos vivir en nuestra comunidad de fe, lo especifica Pablo en 1 Tesalonicenses 5:12-15 que miraremos en las siguientes entradas de este blog.

Por ahora reflexionemos en nuestro rol como sacerdotes haciéndonos estas preguntas: Sabiendo que tienes acceso a Dios directamente, ¿Estás dedicando tiempo con el Señor para crecer en tu conocimiento de Él? Como sacerdote del Señor tienes el privilegio de leer e interpretar las Escrituras. ¿Está dedicando tiempo a diario para estudiarlas y aplicarlas a tu vida? ¿Cómo estás desempeñando tu rol de sacerdote del Señor en tu iglesia y comunidad?

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Building each other up

The teaching the Thessalonians received about the coming of Christ and of living alert until He comes has a useful purpose. It’s not about setting dates, scaring each other, or creating controversy. We often do not consider what Paul says here. What should we do? Paul says, “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up as you are already doing.” (1 Thessalonians 5:11)

Paul repeats what he told them in verse 18. This is something we need to do with “each other.” God has called us to be a community in Christ. We’re a Body. A body depends on all its members to function according to God’s plan. We must encourage each other by comforting ourselves in the loss of believers, urging ourselves to wait for the coming of Christ, and to live alert as children of light/day.

Not only this, but we must build each other up.
build each other up as you are already doing” v. 11b

One of Paul’s favorite words is to “build” that comes from the area of architecture. A building is built with all the necessary materials. You can’t leave any out, otherwise the building doesn’t work.

These truths we have learned about the coming of Christ (you can read the related entries here, here, here, and here) should be used to help us grow spiritually with each other. This means that you must be actively involved in the lives of others to help them grow and others must be actively active in your life to help you grow. It’s a mutual thing and we’re all needed. We are all valuable. This is done in what we call discipleship. This is different from Bible study or coming to church on Sundays to worship together. This is part of it, but that’s not all.

How can you encourage others and help them grow spiritually with these truths you have learned? How are you allowing others to invest and build in your life? Are you involved in discipleship?

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Honrando a los Líderes, Corrigiendo y Ayudando a los Miembros – 1 Tesalonicenses 5:12-15

Todos los miembros tenemos el rol activo en el servicio unos a otros, en el servicio a nuestra comunidad, en llevar el mensaje de Cristo a las personas que no le conocen, y en edificarnos unos a otros a través del discipulado como creyentes que velamos hasta la venida de Cristo. Parte de cómo debemos vivir en nuestra comunidad de fe, lo especifica Pablo en estos siguientes versículos. Primero, la iglesia debe reconocer, honrar y tener en gran estima a sus líderes(vv. 12-13). Segundo, debe también corregir a ciertos miembros que necesitan ser corregidos (v. 14). Este es el deber de todos nosotros. Tercero, nos dice cómo debemos procurar hacernos el bien unos con otros (v. 15).

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Delighting in the Lord

This morning prayer meditation on Scripture was on Psalm 37:4, a verse I have known for a very long time. It is a very popular verse that is often quoted. It states:

Take delight in the Lord,
and he will give you your heart’s desires. (CSB)

The context of this verse is what the righteous ought to do when they see unrighteous people prospering and antagonizing them. Those who are righteous should not get revenge nor desire to have more material gains than them. They should trust the Lord (v. 4) and “take delight in the Lord”.

Warren Wiersbe in his commentary writes the following:

In Jesus Christ, we have all God’s treasures, and we need no other. If we truly delight in the Lord, then the chief desire of our hearts will be to know Him better so we can delight in Him even more, and the Lord will satisfy that desire! This is not a promise for people who want “things,” but for those who want more of God in their lives.

I agree with the fact that our “chief desire of our hearts” should be to delight in knowing God. But “knowing” as we use it, is a word of the intellect. Delight means more than just knowledge of God.

Here is another commentary on this verse:

“for he who, entirely severed from the creature, finds his highest delight in God, cannot desire anything that is at enmity with God, but he also can desire nothing that God, with whose will his own is thoroughly blended in love, would refuse him.” – Keil and Delitzsch Commentary

When God is our “highest delight” we will not desire anything that is against Him. Why? Because in the process of delighting in God our wills become “so thoroughly blended” or mixed in the love of God. We are so close to Him that we wouldn’t dare ask him anything that was not aligned with His will.

Yet, God wants us to ask him what is in our hearts. Jesus also said in John 6:24

“Until now you have asked for nothing in my name. Ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be complete.”

Jesus wanted his disciples to ask him for something in his name. He was ready to give to them, if they were to ask. Their joy would be complete once they receive what they asked for. If your delight is in the Lord, ask away. Ask what is in your heart. It is very likely that what you ask aligns with what He wants. It is very possible that he put that desire in you.

So today I prayed for Him to give me the desires of my heart. After delighting in Him that is.

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Children of light and Children of the day

According to Paul in 1 Thessalonians 5:4-10, believers are children of the light and children of the day. Paul describes us (vv. 4-5) as people who are not in darkness.

“But you, brothers and sisters, are not in the dark, for this day to surprise you like a thief.” v. 4 (CSB and all verses that follow)

Paul describes believers using the analogy of light and darkness in relation to the the Day of the Lord. There’s an obvious contrast when it says “but you.” They are not in spiritual darkness. They can see clearly what God is doing. Being in the dark is a state in which a person who does not know the Lord remains. Darkness is synonymous with evil, evil deeds contrary to God’s truth. Living in darkness prevents you from being able to see God’s truth that the Lord’s day is coming. Ephesians 4:18 reads it this way:
“They are darkened in their understanding, excluded from the life of God, because of the ignorance that is in them and because[a] of the hardness of their hearts.” 

To people that don’t know Jesus, the Day of the Lord will be “like a thief.” The Thessalonians no longer live in darkness nor do the works of darkness or evil, and therefore that day will not surprise them as a thief. As believers God brought us out of this world of darkness, from spiritual blindness to the truth of God; from doing the evil deeds of the god of this world. Colossians 1:13 tells us that God transferred us “to the kingdom of his beloved son.”

Paul also says that believers in Christ are children of light and children of the day.

“For you are all children of light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or the darkness.” v. 5

Paul tells the Thessalonians that not only are they not in darkness but they are children of light, children of the day, and not “of night or darkness.” Being called “children of light” or “children of the day” means that it is a characteristic, part of their nature. This nature came from the Lord when He rescued us from darkness. What sets us apart now is the fact that we understand the spiritual things which come from God and,  we live in that environment. It is an atmosphere of light and day where we can see clearly and continue to see more clearly until the Lord comes back.

The point of this is to understand that we are not afraid of the Day of the Lord. We will not go through this day, we will be with the Lord forever. And as children of light and day, the day is approaching when who we are will not be affected by anything in this world. We will enjoy the perfection of daylight.

Paul emphasizes the fact that we are children of light and day by saying that “we are not of night or darkness.” As believers, there is no middle ground. Our lives reflect who we belong to.

In reiterating this truth, Paul wants to encourage believers to continue watching until the Lord’s coming for his church. This is what he focuses on the following verses.

The exhortation to be prepared.

As children of the day or children of light, we must be watchful and be alert.
So then, let us not sleep, like the rest, but let us stay awake and be self-controlled. For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk, get drunk at night.” v. 6-7

The logical conclusion of being children of light and children of the day who no longer live in darkness is that we must be awake, be alert, and have self-control. We’re not asleep like the others. Those who are spiritually in darkness sleep at night. That is, they show the obvious result of their status. They are insensitive to the spiritual truth of God.

But believers who have come out of that environment are awake and spiritually alert. We are not insensitive to the spiritual things of God. We do not get carried away by our desires but show control (sobriety) in moral areas. Paul exhorts them to continue in this state of awakening by watching spiritually.

Those who are without Christ are spiritually asleep and their lives show with their immoral actions that they are in darkness. It’s interesting to note that people usually get drunk at night. Night is identified as the time to “enjoy” sinful pleasures. The day is for work and doing what is right. This is characteristic of those who do not know Christ. They’re spiritually asleep. Spiritual things have no value. On the contrary, they are “intoxicated” with the sin of the world. The coming of the Lord is not in their minds. They do not think about the judgment that will come in the day of the Lord.

We should also live as children of the day. “But since we belong to the day” (v. 8)

In contrast (“but”), all of us Paul says, “we belong to the day.” Our actions, as children of light or day, reflect that we are of the day. We do not live a callous life or disobedient to God’s truth. That’s not us!

We, like soldiers must also wear our armor.
let us be self-controlled and put on the armor of faith and love, and a helmet of the hope of salvation.” v. 8b

We must be morally sober; show self-control in our lives. We are vigilant soldiers who exercise moral and spiritual discipline. This moral and spiritual sobriety as soldiers of the Lord requires us to wear our armor. This is what Ephesians 6:13-17 is talks about, but only two parts of the armor that we must wear continuously to keep us alert and self-controlled are emphasized here.

We put on the breast plate of faith and love. The breast plate protects the chest and heart. As believers, we must wear this double-sided breast plate. First, our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Our relationship with him must be maintained. Second, we must continue to show God’s love to others. Both are necessary and indispensable to keep us spiritually alert.

We must also wear the helmet of the hope of salvation. The helmet protects the head and the mind. The helmet we must carry is the hope of our salvation. This hope is the complete salvation that awaits us in the future. We need to keep this constantly in our minds.

What Paul writes to them is a reminder, for he has previously told them that they already show faith and love and hope (chapter 1:4; 3:6; 1:8; 4:9-10). Paul wants the triad of faith, love, and hope to be part of our journey as children of light. This is also a reminder for us. It will help us be ready for the coming of our Lord.

As a believer, are you awake spiritually, not asleep? Are you showing with your life that you are a child of light and a child of the day? Are you living an alert and a spiritually sensitive life? Are you showing control in moral area by dressing up with God’s armor?


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Edificándonos unos a otros

La enseñanza que los Tesalonicenses han recibido sobre la venida de Cristo y de vivir alertas hasta que Él venga tiene un propósito útil. No es el de establecer fechas, asustarnos, o crear polémica. A menudo nosotros no consideramos lo que dice Pablo aquí. ¿Qué es lo que debemos hacer? Pablo dice, “Por lo cual, animaos unos a otros” (1 Tesalonicenses 5:11a)

Pablo repite lo que les dijo en el versículo 18. Esto es algo que necesitamos hacer “unos a otros”. Dios nos ha llamado a ser una comunidad en Cristo. Somos un Cuerpo. Un Cuerpo depende de todos sus miembros para funcionar de acuerdo al plan de Dios. Debemos animarnos unos a otros consolándonos en la “pérdida” de los creyentes, instarnos a esperar la venida de Cristo, y a vivir alertas como hijos de luz/día.

No solamente esto sino que debemos edificarnos unos a otros.
“edificaos unos a otros, así como lo hacéis” v. 11b

Una de las palabras favoritas de Pablo es “edificar” que viene del área de la arquitectura. Un edificio se edifica con todos los materiales necesarios. No se puede dejar ninguno afuera, de otra manera el edificio no sirve.

Estas verdades que hemos aprendido acerca de la venida de Cristo (puedes leer la entrada previa aquí  o mirar el sermón completo) debemos usarlas para ayudarnos a crecer espiritualmente unos a otros. Esto implica que debes estar envuelto activamente en la vida de otros para ayudarles a crecer y otros deben estar activamente activos en tu vida para ayudarte a crecer. Es algo mutuo y todos somos valiosos. Esto es lo que llamamos discipulado. Esto es diferente a estudio bíblico o venir los domingos a la iglesia para adorar juntos. Esto es parte pero no es todo.

¿Cómo puedes animar a otros y ayudarles a crecer espiritualmente con estas verdades que haz aprendido? ¿Cómo estás permitiendo que otros inviertan y edifiquen en tu vida? ¿Estás envuelto en discipulado?

<span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links">Posted in</span> 1 Thessalonians 5, edificación, edificando a otros, La venida de Cristo, la venida del Señor | <span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-tag-links">Tagged</span> , , , , | Leave a comment