Here is the audio recording for Acts 20:1- 17 taught during our Sunday School hour at Village Bible Church.
It is interesting too that today in our Sunday School we got to put into practice much of what we learned. We had a visitor that showed up seeking help and from the moment she walked into our church one of our class members spoke to her. She came to our class, listened and cried. After class she told us how what she heard applied to her. Many of us were involved and we were able to all help her both in tangible and non-tangible ways to get where she was going. God gave us an opportunity to apply his Word.
Applications from this section:
1. Encouragement in the faith comes through worship on the Lord’s Day through the preached Word, the Lord’s Supper. through exhortations, divine interventions and fellowship (meals).
2. The Bible is preached, taught, proclaimed, used for dialoguing, explaining, convincing others of their need of the Gospel of Christ.
3. Ministry involves plurality of leaders and co-laborers.
4. Helping the poor in the Church is an obligation of the Church. Those who have more need to help those who are needy.
One correction I need to make in the audio. 2 Corinthians was written from Macedonia not Troas.
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