Encouraging myself
Some think that saying things good about ourselves especially to others is considered being proud, overconfident, narcissistic, or other. Similarly, expressing the good things other say about us, is also considered a sort of arrogance. But I think there is genuine value for us to encourage ourselves. Yes, there is a line between what we should say out loud before others to flatter ourselves. But I believe we also need to encourage ourselves. I did it this morning.
I was reminded of the dear older couple from Ukraine that come to our food bank. I have sat with them and with their older daughter translating for me. They have shared a bit about their story. They both offered sweet smiles as we have attempted to communicate. On one occasion, her daughter told me that her dad said, I’m always smiling. I took this in as a complement. Yesterday, I said hi to them as well. Her daughter told me he remembers me even at home. She didn’t specify what, but again I was honored for him to remember me. I told him I also remembered him. Today I took time to pray for them.
I am reminded of my friend Dave who greets people on Sundays. He always shakes my hand and last time told me that he enjoys talking to me every time. I took this in to encourage myself. This means there is something that I do or say that makes our conversation enjoyable.
Then there is also Jim who I met our food bank. He is a very kind man and loves praying with our clients. A little while back I saw him at church with his wife and came to say hi to me. As he was walking away, I heard him say to his wife, “He is a very neat guy, I always enjoy talking to him.” I took this in. There is something that my life offers to him, it encourages me.
I remember not too long I also met an older mature lady that was serving greeting people. I had met her husband but not her. After this, we continued doing our job. I saw her observing me and I thought it was unusual. She went on and told me she had been watching and saw how I exuded a sense of calmness and peace as I interacted with people. I often just say thank you when someone gives me a compliment, so I did. I used to minimize it, but I soon learned that’s just about the best thing to say. I took this in. It encouraged me.
We often don’t realize how simple things, such as smiling, shaking hands, and just being who God has called us to be make a difference in people’s lives. When I do it, I do it with pleasure. Making others feel good brings me pleasure and pleases God of course. When I remember them, they encourage me, especially during times that I don’t feel great. So, this is how I encourage myself. But it’s not just myself, God is in the conversation. I thank him for this.