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Bienaventurado el varón que no anduvo en consejo de malos, ni estuvo en camino de pecadores, ni en silla de escarnecedores se ha sentado.Internet Archive – bookmarks for: despond
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by Eric GeigerI am enjoying this book and agreeing with it (like "yes!", "write on"...laughing that Jesus wouldn't get hired because he was single...silly but prob would be true). There are some parts that uses particular language to describe leadersh...tagged: currently-readingtagged: currently-readingtagged: currently-readingtagged: currently-reading
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Statements made and opinions expressed on personal pages are strictly those of the author and not of any organization, church, or school. Archives/Archivos
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Category Archives: medical mission
Reflecting On Our Medical Mission Trip
One week ago we came back from our Medical Mission Trip with my wife and a group from a non-profit organization. I’ve had a week to think and reflect what God has shown me and taught me through it and what He may have in the future for us. First and foremost, I have to […]
<span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links">Posted in</span> medical mission, mission trip
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The World is Much More Than What’s Around US
Our world is so limited. What I mean is that many times we are so concentrated with our own little world that we think it is the only one that exists. But we forget that God created this world and all of us. As my wife, myself and a group of Doctors and nurses […]
<span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links">Posted in</span> medical mission, mission
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Perú Mission: My First Surgery Operation
I had the opportunity for the first time in my life to watch a surgery. As a non-medical trained person, a teacher by profession and very scared of anything related to blood I had no intention of ever watching a surgery. But this changed today after observing Dr. Downey perform a skin graft of an eleven […]
<span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links">Posted in</span> medical mission, mission trip
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Medical Mission to Peru – April 8-16
My wife, myself and a group of Doctors and nurses are in Perú this week on a medical mission trip. Last night I started a new blog. You can keep up to date here. My wife at the guest house balcony: Here I am with a new friend named Angel (I think this is her […]
<span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links">Posted in</span> medical mission, peru, women for world health
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