Versículo de la Biblia
Con mi alma te he deseado en la noche y, en tanto que me dure el espíritu dentro de mí, madrugaré a buscarte; porque luego que hay juicios tuyos en la tierra, los moradores del mundo aprenden justicia.Internet Archive – bookmarks for: despond
1 Corintios 1 Pedro 1 Tesalonicenses 1 Thessalonians 5 Acts advenimiento amando al prójimo Apostle Paul book of Acts books crecimiento espiritual Diez Mandamientos discipulos Encontrando a Dios En Hechos Filipenses grace community church grace community church tyler grace español graceespañol Hechos Hispanic Culture Hispanics Iglesia iglesia multiétnica Jesucristo Jesús la oración La Palabra La Palabra de Dios Obediencia Obediencia a La Palabra Oración Pablo Pastor Persecución proverbios sabiduría sabiduría de Dios salmo 119 Salmos Salvación spanish Spanish language UncategorizedDespond's bookshelf: currently-reading
by Eric GeigerI am enjoying this book and agreeing with it (like "yes!", "write on"...laughing that Jesus wouldn't get hired because he was single...silly but prob would be true). There are some parts that uses particular language to describe leadersh...tagged: currently-readingtagged: currently-readingtagged: currently-readingtagged: currently-reading
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Category Archives: Hispanic Culture
Hispanic Culture: Pasión (de corazón).
Another characteristic of Hispanic culture, one which is often misunderstood is “pasión” or passion. This is not limited to what we associate with romance (After all the Spanish language is part of the Romance languages) but more in general and how they embrace life. This “pasión” or passion can be seen in many ways. For […]
<span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links">Posted in</span> being personal, de corazón, Hispanic Church planting, Hispanic churches, Hispanic Culture, Hispanic family, Hispanics, Hispanics and emotions, Hispanics and passion, Multilingual Hispanic churches
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Hispanic Culture: Mi Casa es Su Casa – Personalismo
One very important aspect of Hispanic culture is “personalismo” or the idea of being personal. This is an attribute that goes against being impersonal or individualistic which is prevalent in our American culture. “Personalismo” is seen in every aspect of Hispanic culture. It is evident in the family which extends itself to more than just […]
<span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links">Posted in</span> being personal, Hispanic Church planting, Hispanic churches, Hispanic Culture, Hispanic family, Hispanics, Multilingual Hispanic churches, personalismo
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Hispanic Culture: Roles
Hispanic culture follows traditional roles (“roles” is spelled the same in Spanish but the “e” [and s] is pronounced with the equivalent of the short sound in English). Normally, the father is the bread winner outside of the home. He works really hard to provide for his family. Usually, this involves long days and coming home […]
<span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links">Posted in</span> Hispanic Church planting, Hispanic churches, Hispanic Culture, Hispanic family, Hispanics, Multilingual Hispanic churches, roles, spanish, Spanish language
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Hispanic Culture: Aquí Se Habla Español
In Hispanic culture the Spanish language is considered just as important as all other values (This is true of other cultures as well)[1] in establishing their identity. Not speaking Spanish, which usually happens with grandkids incurs shaming them with the title of “Gringo” (a slang term for White American) and not fully embracing your own cultural […]
<span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links">Posted in</span> Hispanic Church planting, Hispanic churches, Hispanic Culture, Hispanic family, Hispanics, Multilingual Hispanic churches, spanish, Spanish language
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Hispanic Culture: Familia Es Familia – Staying Close
In Hispanic culture family is the most basic and important unit. Nothing is more important than family. Individualism is discouraged over the benefit of the whole family. It may not be a perfect family, but Hispanics have a saying, “Familia es familia.” This means that though the family experiences difficulties and problems, family is always […]
<span class="entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links">Posted in</span> familia es familia, Hispanic Culture, Hispanics, hispanics families stay together, hispanics family
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