In 1 Thessalonnians 2:7-12 Paul shares the behavior “according to the gospel” that they demonstrated to them. This is a very pertinent topic because each of us who know Christ are to be servants of God. We may not have a formal position, but before God, we are still his servants. These qualities should be true in us as we live our lives before others. Paul offers an example worthy to be emulated.
1. They showed a mother’s tenderness v. 7
Paul and his team were not people who imposed their authority on the Thesalonnians (1 Peter 5:3) but were tender as a mother “who cares tenderly for her own children.”
2. They showed sacrificial love v. 8
“So great is our affection for you that we would have wanted to give you not only the gospel of God, but also our own lives; because you have become very dear to us”
Not only were they tender as a mother, but they also had a sacrificial love for them. So much was the affection for them that they would have wanted not only to share them or give them the gospel but their own lives because they had become much loved to them.
What a great example of Paul and his team!
Not only did they have this gospel-worthy behavior, but they also showed care.
3. They avoided being a financial burden to the Thessalonians v. 9
“For ye remember, brethren, of our labor and fatigue; how by working night and day, so as not to be burdened to any of you, we preach to you the gospel of God.”
Paul calls to their remembrance their hard work and fatigue he experienced when they arrived to shared the gospel to them. The Apostle and his collaborators had to work night and day in order to sustain themselves so as not to be a burdened to any of them. Paul’s job was tentmaker. Paul was a bi-vocational missionary according to our definition. He did so voluntarily, although on some occasions he received help from churches, including the Thessalonnians when he was in Corinth.
My first official job as a pastor was when I was a student at Bible College in Arizona. A small Baptist church gave us $300 a month. It was a difficult time being a student, working in ministry and my wife worked. Also, in my first 6 of ministry I was mostly bi-vocational and my wife worked full-time to support our family. It was difficult because my interests were divided. There are many pastors who are bi-vocational and this is very difficult.
4. They demonstrated godly character before the church v. 10
“You are witnesses, and God too, of how holy, justly and irreprehensibly we behave with you believers”
Paul and his team also showed godly character before the church. They were witnesses, they had seen that they behaved in a holy way. That is, they lived completely dedicated to the Lord. They were saints, separated to serve God. Even in a world that lived in sin, they were not contaminated. They were also righteous in their way they treated others. They didn’t do things to others that were contrary to God’s truth. They were above reproach in their behavior with believers and non-believers. There was nothing they could be accused of doing that was contrary to God’s truth.
The impact of this was certainly great on the life of the Thessalonians. They not only believed but followed Paul’s example.
We too must show godly character whether we are servants of God with an “official” title or not. These characteristics are found in the Bible as mandates for all believers.
5. They showed fatherly care for the church v. 11
“Just as ye also know how, like the father to his children, we exhorted and comforted each of you”
The father has to teach and exercise discipline. They did this individually with each one of the church in Thessalonaica. They exhorted everyone in the Lord. This implies correction.
They comforted everyone. This involves encouraging, strengthening the discouraged and weak.
That’s pastoral work. Each person is different, and the pastor should guide them as a father. He needs to care for his children by exhorting them by the truth of God, encouraging and comforting them.
6. They insisted that they live worthy of God v. 12
“And we commanded you to walk as is worthy of God, who called you to his kingdom and glory.”
They also warned or insisted that they live daily “worthy of God”. “Worthy of God” means that their lives are consistent between what they have believed and what they lived. In other words, their daily lives in all respects should show that they have converted to Christ. There is no discrepancy in what they claim to be and how they live their lives. There must be no doubt.
This is what Paul and his collaborators did with the believers of Thessalonaica. This is why they were an exemplary church.
This kind of coherence is hard to see in the church today. Today there is the idea of the Christian who “attends” church, listens to a “sermon” and then leaves. This will not help you learn how to live in the world without being of the world.
A lot of this is the lack of discipleship. This requires people to be discipled. This requires more than “going to church” on Sundays. It requires us to learn from each other and this is only possible at other times other than Sunday.
Walking as it is worthy of God is necessary because he “called us to his kingdom and glory” and we must reflect it with our way of living. Interestingly, the term “call” is in the present. This means that God continues to call us to his kingdom and glory, that is, although we are part of the kingdom of God and his glory, we must live according to His kingdom and that He gives glory (splendor or honor) to Him. It is a privilege to be part of the kingdom of God and share of its glory. If he called us and keeps calling us, it means he helps us carry it out.
This is why living contrary to what reflects his kingdom is denying him and it is an insult to God.
I want to warn you that there is no perfection and that we are all growing and learning. I have been a follower of Christ for almost 40 years and I am still learning to live more and more as It is worthy of God.
As a church we exist for this, to encourage ourselves, to comfort ourselves, and to urge one another to continue living as is worthy of God. This is the biblical way. The habit of gossiping, speaking ill of others, going behind people’s back is wrong is unbiblical and destructive. If you’re doing it, stop doing it. You will account to God for the damage you do.