God’s promises are reliable. There are approximately 5,467 promises in the Bible. God’s promises are irrevocable because he is a God who does not lie (Numbers 23:11) that does not change, (Ps. 110: 4) and that has all the power to fulfill them (Isaiah 55:11). He is worthy of all our trust. We see it in this passage where Jesus’ followers wait for the promise of the Spirit who would come to live in them.
This passage teaches us how God’s people trusted with anticipation for the Lord’s promise, their dedication to prayer, and their pursuit of God’s will as they waited as they waited for the fulfillment. We should also be in anticipation of God’s promises and do so in constant prayer and be committed to pursuing his will.
About eig
I post about my relationship with the Triune God as He has revealed Himself in The Holy Scriptures, the Bible.
Escribo sobre lo que estoy aprendiendo de mi relación con mi Padre Dios, Dios Trino, tal como se ha revelado en las Sagradas Escrituras, la Biblia.
Follower of Jesus. Husband. Father. Teacher. Pastor. Salvadorean by birth, Hispanic-American. Amateur Runner. Bibliophile.
Seguidor de Jesús, esposo, papá, pastor, nacido en el Salvador, hispano-americano, corredor amateur y bibliófila.
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