The rapture of the church initiates the beginning of the Day of the Lord. In Thessalonians 5:1-11 Paul focuses on what will happen on the Day of the Lord. This happens during the period that Scripture calls the “Great Tribulation” on this earth (Revelation 6-18) and culminates with the Coming of the Lord in Glory (Revelation 19:11–21). Our Lord taught about these events in Matthew 24-25. He describes these times as the “pains of childbirth” that will come upon this earth before the Day of the Lord. There are three features that distinguishes this day (according to William Barclay quoted by D. Edmond Hiebert in 1&2 Thessalonians and modified):
1. It will be suddenly and without anticipation
2. It will be a time of cosmic turbulence in which the Earth will be moved to its foundations
3. It will be a day of judgment for non-believers
For us believers, although the Day of the Lord does not apply to us in the sense of judgment, knowing that the Lord comes for us his church must also lead us to watchfulness. In the first three verses Paul teaches that the Lord’s day is uncertain regarding the exact time (vv. 1-2) and not being ready has consequences especially on those who do not know Christ (v. 3).
First, it reminds them that the coming of Christ is uncertain since they already have the information.
“Now on the topic of times and seasons, brothers and sisters, you have no need for anything to be written to you.” v. 1 (NET Bible)
As for “the times and times” of the Lord’s coming, he tells them that there is no need to write to them. In other words, they had already been instructed about the “chronos” the time of the Lord’s coming and the “dates.”
In Acts 1:7 the Lord said to his disciples, ““You are not permitted to know[u] the times or periods that the Father has set by his own authority.” The Lord Jesus Christ is coming, but no one knows the time or the date. This is why all those who have “prophesied” His coming by setting a date have failed. The coming of the Lord is uncertain about time or dates. Paul now expands further by reminding them that they know how He is coming.
“For you know quite well that the day of the Lord[c] will come in the same way as a thief in the night.” (NET Bible and all verses that follow)
The Day of the Lord is a reference to biblical prophecy in reference to “the Day of the Lord (Jehovah God or Yahweh) in various old testament texts (Isaiah 13:9-11; Joel 2:28-32; Zeph. 1:14-15; 3:14-15; Haggai 5:18). This day is God’s day of vengeance and judgment upon those who have rejected him. In the New Testament we find that “the day of the Lord” is a reference to our Lord Jesus Christ who will come to judge the world. (Phil. 1:10; 2:16; 2 Cor. 1:14; 1:8). The events found in Matthew 24-25 and Revelation 5 onwards describe in more detail what will happen both before his coming and what will happen next. The aspect Paul emphasizes is that the Lord’s day will come suddenly without prior announcement when he is not expected. That’s the idea of the thief coming at night. There is no need to emphasize the analogy any further.
The coming of the Lord (the Lord’s day) will be uncertain about time and dates and not being ready has consequences. During this time there will be false peace and false security.
“Now when[e] they are saying, “There is peace and security,”[f] then sudden destruction comes on them” v. 3a
Paul says “that when they are saying” by referencing those on earth (v. 4 makes the distinction between them and “we”) who are NOT waiting for the Day of the Lord. On the contrary, they have created a false peace and security. It may be a time of global “peace and security” where everything is going well. The economy is in the best condition and world peace is evident. People feel safe following a world leader (the Beast in Revelation 13). In their minds is not the idea that the Lord is coming.
Part of these consequences will be sudden judgment.
“like labor pains[g] on a pregnant woman, and they will surely not escape” v. 3b
Our Lord said that the Day of the Lord will be like the days of Noah in which people were eating and drinking without any concern until the judgment came and destroyed them (Matthew 24:27-39).
He also said that it would be as in Sodom that they did the same until God’s judgment came upon them and “rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all.” (Luke 17:28-30).
The destruction, the ruin, the judgment upon them that they have not believed in the Lord, nor obey the gospel (not the believers) will be sudden. This destruction is not annihilation but eternal judgment. 2 Thessalonians 1:8-10 reads it this way:
With flaming fire he will mete out[a] punishment on those who do not know God[b] and do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. 9 They[c] will undergo the penalty of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his strength,[d] 10 when he comes to be glorified among his saints and admired[e] on that day among all who have believed—and you did in fact believe our testimony.[f]
Not only is the trial sudden, but there is also no escape. Paul uses the illustration of a pregnant woman. A pregnant woman cannot decide when her son or daughter will be born. It is inevitable that her child will be born. The judgment that will come upon those who do not believe in Christ will be inevitable, there will be no escape. We’d expect people to repent at this point, but they don’t. Revelation 16 tells us that the opposite happens, they blaspheme or curse God rather than repent.
“Thus[a] people[b] were scorched by the terrible heat,[c] yet[d] they blasphemed the name of God, who has ruling authority[e] over these plagues, and they would not repent and give him glory.” (v. 8)
“They blasphemed the God of heaven because of their sufferings[a] and because of their sores,[b] but nevertheless[c] they still refused to repent[d] of their deeds.” (v. 11)
People will want to die rather than face God’s judgment. Revelation 6:16
“They[a] said to the mountains and to the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of the one who is seated on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb,[b]”
The best way to be prepared for this is to believe in Christ as your Lord and Savior. He is the only one who can deliver us from the judgment that will come for those who do not believe in Him. The reason is because he carried in his body our punishment of our sins. He paid for us. To be ready, you must give your life to Him. Would you do that now?
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