It is easy for us believers to be quiet about our faith. We don’t want to offend people. We want to live quiet lives. But our calling is to proclaim the Gospel in good and bad times. God is with us. He always will. We should not be silent, we should keep speaking. This was the case with Paul in Corinth.
From this passage we learn four things:
1. Ministry happens with others not in isolation. We learn from Paul that we need others to serve the Lord, especially in sharing the Gospel. Paul always had partners in ministry and were helpful in every aspect he was involved.
2. The church belongs to the Lord. We see how Paul never stayed in any church too long. The longest was between a year and a half to two years. He trained leaders and left them as shepherds of the church.
3. The Lord is sovereign and he will use us until he accomplishes His will.
It is not about us, it is about doing the will of God. We may experience persecution but the Lord will be with us no matter what.
4. We are called to be steadfast in our service to the Lord.
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