This version of the sermon was preached at our Encore Group, the service for our seniors.
If anyone had uncertainties about the future, it was Israel. Their disobedience brought God’s judgement on their lives. They were to be taken captives by the Babylonians. They surely thought, “This is the end of us. This is the end of our nation. This is the end of our future. There is no point in trusting God anymore. He has forgotten us.”
But God speaks through the prophet Isaiah and offers them hope. Hope amid their uncertainties. He shares a five-fold encouragement to face them. These are good for us as well as we face our own uncertainties.
About eig
I post about my relationship with the Triune God as He has revealed Himself in The Holy Scriptures, the Bible.
Escribo sobre lo que estoy aprendiendo de mi relación con mi Padre Dios, Dios Trino, tal como se ha revelado en las Sagradas Escrituras, la Biblia.
Follower of Jesus. Husband. Father. Teacher. Pastor. Salvadorean by birth, Hispanic-American. Amateur Runner. Bibliophile.
Seguidor de Jesús, esposo, papá, pastor, nacido en el Salvador, hispano-americano, corredor amateur y bibliófila.