The greatest is love. Not our mushy conditional as long as “you do for me what I want love”. Not erotic love. Not imperfect family love. Not “materialistic love”. God’s love. The supernatural love that only God who is love gives to His children through His Spirit. That’s agape love, sacrificial, enduring, other-focused. The love that our Lord Jesus personified. That’s the only love that will endure and be part of God’s kingdom. That’s the love that will abide forever. That’s the love we need to have.
About eig
I post about my relationship with the Triune God as He has revealed Himself in The Holy Scriptures, the Bible.
Escribo sobre lo que estoy aprendiendo de mi relación con mi Padre Dios, Dios Trino, tal como se ha revelado en las Sagradas Escrituras, la Biblia.
Follower of Jesus. Husband. Father. Teacher. Pastor. Salvadorean by birth, Hispanic-American. Amateur Runner. Bibliophile.
Seguidor de Jesús, esposo, papá, pastor, nacido en el Salvador, hispano-americano, corredor amateur y bibliófila.