The church is not a passive institution, but one that is active. It is not an institution that is on the defensive but on the offensive. It is not a weak institution but a powerful one. What makes it powerful? This passage shows us where the true power of the church lies
We see two things that we see in this passage that make the church powerful, in the sense that it has the power of God (through the Holy Spirit).
About eig
I post about my relationship with the Triune God as He has revealed Himself in The Holy Scriptures, the Bible.
Escribo sobre lo que estoy aprendiendo de mi relación con mi Padre Dios, Dios Trino, tal como se ha revelado en las Sagradas Escrituras, la Biblia.
Follower of Jesus. Husband. Father. Teacher. Pastor. Salvadorean by birth, Hispanic-American. Amateur Runner. Bibliophile.
Seguidor de Jesús, esposo, papá, pastor, nacido en el Salvador, hispano-americano, corredor amateur y bibliófila.