A group of 120 people, most of them without much education or social status. Followers of Christ, many of them saw and heard the Lord Jesus Christ. This group of people formed the first “assembly” or church of Christ. These were called to carry the message of the Good News to the whole world. And they did. At least we know that the twelve apostles all carried Christ’s message to the whole world. The last of them to go was one named St. Paul. He planted at least 14 new churches over a 10-year period, traveling more than 3,000 miles (a lot on foot). But this Church has not disappeared. That Church is us. The message they preached came to us. Now we are in charge of taking this message to the whole world. Of the 7.2 billion people in the world, there are 3.0 billion who have not heard the message of salvation in Christ. This is our challenge.
Preparing to be Witnesses – Acts 1:1-14
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